var particles=true; function startgameee(){ particles=false; } if (particles===true){ (function() { var COLORS, Confetti, NUM_CONFETTI, PI_2, canvas, confetti, context, drawCircle, i, range, resizeWindow, xpos; NUM_CONFETTI = 400; COLORS = [[148, 235, 255], [0, 207, 255], [0, 120, 148], [0, 4, 255], [189, 198, 255]]; PI_2 = 2 * Math.PI; canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); window.w = 0; window.h = 0; resizeWindow = function() { window.w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth; return window.h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight; }; window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow, false); window.onload = function() { return setTimeout(resizeWindow, 0); }; range = function(a, b) { return (b - a) * Math.random() + a; }; drawCircle = function(x, y, r, style) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, r, 0, PI_2, false); if (particles===true){ context.shadowBlur = 10; context.shadowColor = style; } else { context.shadowBlur = 0; context.shadowColor = ""; } context.fillStyle = style; return context.fill(); }; xpos = 0.5; document.onmousemove = function(e) { return xpos = e.pageX / w; }; window.requestAnimationFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); Confetti = (function() { function Confetti() { = COLORS[~~range(0, 5)]; this.rgb = "rgba(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2]; this.r = ~~range(2, 6); this.r2 = 2 * this.r; this.replace(); } Confetti.prototype.replace = function() { this.opacity = 0; this.dop = 0.03 * range(1, 4); this.x = range(-this.r2, w - this.r2); this.y = range(-20, h - this.r2); this.xmax = w - this.r; this.ymax = h - this.r; this.vx = range(0, 2) + 8 * xpos - 5; return this.vy = 0.7 * this.r + range(-1, 1); }; Confetti.prototype.draw = function() { var _ref; this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.opacity += this.dop; if (this.opacity > 1) { this.opacity = 1; this.dop *= -1; } if (this.opacity < 0 || this.y > this.ymax) { this.replace(); } if (!((0 < (_ref = this.x) && _ref < this.xmax))) { this.x = (this.x + this.xmax) % this.xmax; } return drawCircle(~~this.x, ~~this.y, this.r, this.rgb + "," + this.opacity + ")"); }; return Confetti; })(); confetti = (function() { var _i, _results; _results = []; for (i = _i = 1; 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? _i <= NUM_CONFETTI : _i >= NUM_CONFETTI; i = 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? ++_i : --_i) { _results.push(new Confetti); } return _results; })(); window.step = function() { var c, _i, _len, _results; requestAnimationFrame(step); context.clearRect(0, 0, w, h); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = confetti.length; _i < _len; _i++) { c = confetti[_i]; _results.push(c.draw()); } return _results; }; step(); }).call(this); } var arenacloser=false var u1 = "#fd2000"; var u2 = "#fc4000"; var u3 = "#fa6000"; var u4 = "#f97f00"; var u5 = "#f79f00"; var u6 = "#f5bf00"; var u7 = "#f4df00"; var gs = Math.round(Math.random() * 4); if (gs === 1) { u1 = "#0020e5"; u2 = "#0040cb"; u3 = "#0060b1"; u4 = "#007f97"; u5 = "#009f7d"; u6 = "#00bf63"; u7 = "#00df49"; } if (gs === 2) { u1 = "#df201a"; u2 = "#bf4033"; u3 = "#9f604d"; u4 = "#807f66"; u5 = "#609f80"; u6 = "#40bf99"; u7 = "#20dfb3"; } if (gs === 3) { u1 = "#d0ff1b"; u2 = "#b3ff35"; u3 = "#95ff50"; u4 = "#77ff6b"; u5 = "#59ff85"; u6 = "#3cffa0"; u7 = "#1effba"; } //["#040ddf","#081bbf","#0b289f","#0f3580","#134260","#175040","#1a5d20"] if (gs === 4) { u1 = "#525252"; u2 = "#626262"; u3 = "#727272"; u4 = "#999999"; u5 = "#b5b5b5"; u6 = "#d9d9d9"; u7 = "#ffffff"; } !(function(e) { var t = {}; function a(r) { if (t[r]) return t[r].exports; var i = (t[r] = { i: r, l: !1, exports: {} }); return e[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, a), (i.l = !0), i.exports; } (a.m = e), (a.c = t), (a.d = function(e, t, r) { a.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: r }); }), (a.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }), (a.t = function(e, t) { if ((1 & t && (e = a(e)), 8 & t)) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var r = Object.create(null); if ( (a.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) ) for (var i in e) a.d( r, i, function(t) { return e[t]; }.bind(null, i) ); return r; }), (a.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default; } : function() { return e; }; return a.d(t, "a", t), t; }), (a.o = function(e, t) { return, t); }), (a.p = ""), a((a.s = 2)); })([ function(e, t, a) { "use strict"; const r = e => `arras-n-${e}`, i = (e, t = 5e3) => `${e}${t}`; new Date().getDate(); const n = { help: { KEY_OVER_RIDE: "R", KEY_LEVEL_UP: "N", KEY_ABILITY: "F", KEY_CHOOSE_1: "Y", KEY_CHOOSE_2: "U", KEY_CHOOSE_3: "I", KEY_CHOOSE_4: "H", KEY_CHOOSE_5: "J", KEY_CHOOSE_6: "K", KEY_FUCK_YOU: "`" }, KEY_AUTO_FIRE: 69, // KEY_MAP_HACK: 86, KEY_AUTO_SPIN: 67, KEY_OVER_RIDE: 82, KEY_RAINBOW: 88, KEY_LEVEL_UP: 78, // KEY_ABILITY: 70, // KEY_REVERSE_TANK: 86, // KEY_REVERSE_MOUSE: 66, KEY_SCREENSHOT: 81, KEY_UPGRADE_MAX: 77, KEY_CLASS_TREE: 84, KEY_RECORD: 90, KEY_UP: 87, KEY_PING: 76, KEY_LEFT: 65, KEY_DOWN: 83, KEY_RIGHT: 68, /* KEY_CHOOSE_1: 89, KEY_CHOOSE_2: 85, KEY_CHOOSE_3: 73, KEY_CHOOSE_4: 72, KEY_CHOOSE_5: 74, KEY_CHOOSE_6: 75, KEY_CHOOSE_7: -1, KEY_CHOOSE_8: -1, KEY_CHOOSE_9: -1,*/ KEY_ENTER: 13, KEY_SPAWN: 13, KEY_LEFT_ARROW: 37, KEY_UP_ARROW: 38, KEY_RIGHT_ARROW: 39, KEY_DOWN_ARROW: 40, KEY_UPGRADE_ATK: 49, KEY_UPGRADE_HTL: 50, KEY_UPGRADE_SPD: 51, KEY_UPGRADE_STR: 52, KEY_UPGRADE_PEN: 53, KEY_UPGRADE_DAM: 54, KEY_UPGRADE_RLD: 55, KEY_UPGRADE_MOB: 56, KEY_UPGRADE_RGN: 57, KEY_UPGRADE_SHI: 48, KEY_MOUSE_0: 32, KEY_MOUSE_1: 9, KEY_MOUSE_2: 16, KEY_FUCK_YOU: 192, screenWidth: window.innerWidth, screenHeight: window.innerHeight, gameWidth: 0, gameHeight: 0, gameStart: !1, disconnected: !1, died: !1, showDebug: !1, showTree: !1, server: null, // ======================= // Chat System. // ======================= isChatMode: false, // ======================= codeTable: [ { z: "Private", local: "Local", glitch: "Glitch", vultr: "Vultr", heroku: "Heroku", buyvm: "BuyVM", extravm: "ExtraVM", ovh: "OVH", place:"PlaceHolder", lol:"Localhost" }, { unknown: ["Unknown", null], local: ["Local", null], oregon: ["US West", -7], sv: ["US West", -7], la: ["US West", -7], dallas: ["US East", -5], virginia: ["US East", -4], montreal: ["US East", -4], london: ["Europe", 1], ireland: ["Europe", 1], frankfurt: ["Europe", 2], germany: ["Europe", 2], singapore: ["Asia", 8] }, [ [{ id: "p", to: "Private" }], [{ id: "e", dynamic: "word" }], [{ id: "w", dynamic: "words" }], [{ id: "o", to: "Open" }], [{ id: "m", to: "Maze", delay: !0, remove: "f" }], [ { id: "f", to: "FFA" }, { id: "b", to: "Developer Server" }, { id: "2", to: "2 Team", end: "2TDM" }, { id: "3", to: "3 Team", end: "3TDM" }, { id: "4", to: "4 Team", end: "4TDM" } ], [ { id: "d", to: "Domination" }, { id: "m", to: "Mothership", remove: "2" }, { id: "a", to: "Assault", remove: "2" } ] ] ], timezone: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / -60, servers: [ { id: "z", type: "0unk", code: "z-unknown-pe6server", at: "private", secure: 1, untrusted: !0 }, { visible: 0, id: "a", type: "0unk", code: "heroku-ireland-f", at: "", secure: 1 }, { visible: 0, id: "dev", type: "dev", code: "glitch-dallas-b", at: "", secure: 1, prefer: !0 }, { visible: 2, id: "lol", type: "lol", code: "lol-dallas-b", at: "localhost:8080", secure: !0, prefer: !0 } ] .map((e, t) => ({ data: e, i: t })) .sort((e, t) => < ? -1 : > ? 1 : e.i - t.i ) .map(({ data: e }) => e), partyLink: 0, report: null, mobile: "ontouchstart" in document.body && /android|mobi/i.test(navigator.userAgent), showInvisible: !1 }; (window.Arras = e => -100496167 ^ e ^ 4194470368 ? Math.floor(4294967296 * Math.random()) : (( = || e), setTimeout( () => n.showInvisible && ( = "showInvisible"), 1e3 ), n)), (e.exports = n); }, function(e, t) { const a = class { static now() { return Math.min(Math.floor( / 2e3) - 757382400, 268435455); } constructor() { this.reset(), setInterval(() => { this.logOnLine(!!navigator.onLine); }, 2e3); } reset() { (this.startTime =, (this.event = { die: 0, disconnect: 0 }), (this.mouse = { status: !0, updates: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }), (this.onLine = { status: !!navigator.onLine, updates: [0, 0, 0, 0] }), (this.closeCall = !1), (this.consoleOpened = !1); let e = new Image(); Object.defineProperty(e, "id", { get: () => ((this.consoleOpened = !0), "") }); let t = function() {}; (t.toString = () => ((this.consoleOpened = !0), "color:rgba(0,0,0,0)")), setTimeout(console.log.bind(null, "%c%s", t, e)); } time() { return Math.min( - this.startTime, 65535); } logEvent(e) { this.event[e] = this.time(); } logMouse(e) { this.mouse.status !== e && ((this.mouse.status = e), this.mouse.updates.shift(), this.mouse.updates.push(this.time())); } logOnLine(e) { this.onLine.status !== e && ((this.onLine.status = e), this.onLine.updates.shift(), this.onLine.updates.push(this.time())); } logCloseCall() { this.closeCall = !0; } toBits() { let e = [ this.mouse.status, this.onLine.status, this.closeCall, this.consoleOpened ], t = this.startTime; for (let a = 0; a < 28; a++) e.push(!!(1 & t)), (t >>= 1); for (let t of [ this.event.die, this.event.disconnect, ...this.mouse.updates, ...this.onLine.updates, this.time() ]) for (let a = 0; a < 16; a++) e.push(!!(1 & t)), (t >>= 1); return e; } drawCanvas(e) { let { width: t, height: a } = e.canvas, r = e.getImageData(0, 0, t, a), { data: i } = r, n = this.toBits(), l = []; for (let e = 0; e < 16; e++) { let t = !1; for (let a = 0; a < 16; a++) n[e + 16 * a] && (t = !t); l.push(t); } let o = []; for (let e = 0; e < 16; e++) { let t = !1; for (let a = 0; a < 16; a++) n[a + 16 * e] && (t = !t); o.push(t); } let s = !0; for (let e = 0; e < 256; e++) n[e] && (s = !s); let d = -Math.floor(2 * Math.random() * 4); Math.floor(2 * Math.random() * 4); for (let e = d; e < t; e += 4) for (let a = d; a < t; a += 4) { let r = Math.floor(e / 4) % 32, d = Math.floor(a / 4) % 32; r > 17 || d > 17 || (r + d === 33 || (16 !== r && 16 !== d && !(17 === r ? 17 === d ? s : o[d] : 17 === d ? l[r] : n[r + 16 * d])) ? ((i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 0] &= -2), (i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 1] &= -2), (i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 2] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 0] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 1] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 2] |= 1), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 0] &= -2), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 1] &= -2), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 2] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 0] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 1] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 2] |= 1)) : ((i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 0] |= 1), (i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 1] |= 1), (i[((e + a * t) << 2) | 2] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 0] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 1] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t) << 2) | 2] &= -2), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 0] |= 1), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 1] |= 1), (i[((e + a * t + t) << 2) | 2] &= -2), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 0] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 1] |= 1), (i[((e + 1 + a * t + t) << 2) | 2] &= -2))); } e.putImageData(r, 0, 0); } }; let r = new a(); (r.Tracker = a), (e.exports = r); }, function(e, t, a) { "use strict"; Object.values || (Object.values = function(e) { return Object.keys(e).map(t => e[t]); }), Object.entries || (Object.entries = function(e) { return Object.keys(e).map(t => [t, e[t]]); }), (() => { if ( (navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(e => { for (let t of e) t.unregister(); }), window !== || "" === window.location.hostname || ("" !== window.location.hostname.slice(-9) && -1 === ["localhost", "", ""].indexOf( window.location.hostname ))) ); else if ("http:" === location.protocol) { let e = `https://${}/${ "#" === location.hash ? "" : location.hash }`, t = !1, a = setTimeout(() => { location.href = e; }, 3e3), r = document.getElementById("menuTabs"); = "center"; let i = document.createElement("span"); i.classList.add("menuTab"), i.classList.add("warning"), i.appendChild( document.createTextNode("You are being redirected to ") ); let n = document.createElement("a"); (n.href = e), n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), i.appendChild(n), i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(". ")); let l = document.createElement("a"); ( = "underline"), (l.href = "javascript:;"), l.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cancel")), l.addEventListener("click", () => { i.remove(), (t = !0), clearTimeout(a); }), i.appendChild(l), r.appendChild(i), document .getElementById("startButton") .addEventListener("click", () => { t || (location.href = `https://${}/${ "#" === location.hash ? "" : location.hash }`); }); } })(); let r = a(0), i = a(3), { blockAdBlock: n } = a(4), l = a(1); function o() { window.dataLayer.push(arguments); } (window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []), o("js", new Date()), o("config", "UA-120544149-1"); let s = e => fetch("", { method: "POST", mode: "cors", cache: "no-cache", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(e) }), d = (window.adServiceMode = (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.adForce) || ["adsense", "nitropay"][Math.floor(10 * Math.random())] || "adinplay"); switch (d) { default: } let c = []; innerWidth >= 1440 && innerHeight >= 680 && c.push([970, 250]), innerWidth >= 1440 && c.push([970, 90]), innerHeight >= 700 && c.push([336, 280]), innerHeight >= 680 && c.push([300, 250]), c.push([728, 90]); let h =, u = 0, p = !1, g = null; n.onEither(e => { if (e) { (document.getElementById("referral-fallback").style.display = "block"), (p = !0); } o("event", e ? "yes_adblock" : "no_adblock", { event_category: "adblock_detection", non_interaction: !0 }), s({ type: "initial", user: { adServiceMode: d, adblock: p, mobile:, window: { innerWidth: innerWidth, innerHeight: innerHeight }, tracking: { name: U.playerNameInput || "", colors: U.optColors || "normal", borders: U.optBorders || "normal" } } }); }); var m = { graphical: { screenshotMode: !1, borderChunk: 6, barChunk: 5, mininumBorderChunk: 3, compensationScale: 1.114, inversedRender: !0, renderGrid: !0, darkBorders: !1, fancyAnimations: !0, colors: "normal", pointy: !0, fontSizeBoost: 1, shieldbars: !1, neon: !1 }, gui: { expectedMaxSkillLevel: 9 }, lag: { memory: 60, newPrediction: !1 } }; r.config = m; let f = (e, t, a = 0.5) => { if (0 === a) return e; if (1 === a) return t; let r = 1 - a, i = parseInt(e.slice(1), 16), n = parseInt(t.slice(1), 16); return ( "#" + ( (((16711680 & i) * r + (16711680 & n) * a) & 16711680) | (((65280 & i) * r + (65280 & n) * a) & 65280) | (((255 & i) * r + (255 & n) * a) & 255) ) .toString(16) .padStart(6, "0") ); }; function y(e) { switch (e) { case 0: return ge.teal; case 1: return ge.lgreen; case 2: return; case 3: return ge.yellow; case 4: return ge.lavender; case 5: return; case 6: return ge.vlgrey; case 7: return ge.lgrey; case 8: return ge.guiwhite; case 9: return; case 10: return; case 11: return; case 12: return; case 13: return; case 14: return ge.purple; case 15: return ge.magenta; case 16: return ge.grey; case 17: return ge.dgrey; case 18: return ge.white; case 19: return ge.guiblack; case 20: return % 300 < 150 ? :; case 21: return % 300 < 150 ? : ge.grey; case 22: return % 300 < 150 ? ge.grey :; case 23: return % 300 < 150 ? : ge.grey; case 24: return % 300 < 150 ? ge.grey :; case 30: return "#a913cf"; case 31: return "#226ef6"; case 32: return "#ff1000"; case 33: return "#ff9000"; case 34: return "#00e00b"; case 35: return "#ffd300"; case 36: return f( ["#ff1000", "#ff9000", "#ffd300", "#00e00b", "#226ef6", "#a913cf"][ Math.floor(( / 200) % 6) ], ["#ff9000", "#ffd300", "#00e00b", "#226ef6", "#a913cf", "#ff1000"][ Math.floor(( / 200) % 6) ], ( / 200) % 1 ); case 37: return u1; case 38: return u2; case 39: return u3; case 40: return u4; case 41: return u5; case 42: return u6; case 43: return u7; case 44: return u2; case 45: return u3; case 46: return u4; case 47: return u5; case 48: return u6; case 49: return u7; case 50: return u7; case 51: return u3; case 52: return u4; case 53: return u5; case 54: return u6; case 55: return u7; case 56: return u7; case 57: return u7; case 58: return u4; case 59: return u5; case 60: return u6; case 61: return u7; case 62: return u7; case 63: return u7; case 64: return u7; default: return "#ff0000"; } } function b(e) { let t = m.graphical.neon ? ge.white :; return m.graphical.darkBorders ? t : f(e, t, ge.border); } function v(e) { switch (e) { case "bas1": case "bap1": case "dom1": case "dbc1": case "mbc1": case "spw1": return; case "bas2": case "bap2": case "dom2": case "dbc2": case "mbc2": case "spw2": return; case "bas3": case "bap3": case "dom3": case "dbc3": case "mbc3": case "spw3": return; case "bas4": case "bap4": case "dom4": case "dbc4": case "mbc4": case "spw4": return; case "domx": case "dom0": case "dbc0": case "mbc0": case "spw0": return ge.yellow; case "port": return (ae.globalAlpha = 1),; case "edge": return f(ge.white, ge.guiblack, 1 / 3); case "dor1": return ge.vlgrey; case "nest": return ge.lavender; default: return ge.white; } } function w(e, t) { m.graphical.neon ? ((e.fillStyle = b(t)), (e.strokeStyle = t)) : ((e.fillStyle = t), (e.strokeStyle = b(t))); } var k = []; function E(e, t = k[e].color) { let a = k[e]; return { time: 0, index: e, x: a.x, y: a.y, vx: 0, vy: 0, size: a.size, realSize: a.realSize, color: t, render: { status: { getFade: () => 1, getColor: () => "#FFFFFF", getBlend: () => 0, health: { get: () => 1 }, shield: { get: () => 1 } } }, facing: a.facing, shape: a.shape, name:, score: 0, tiggle: 0, layer: a.layer, guns: { length: a.guns.length, getPositions: () => Array(a.guns.length).fill(0), update: () => {} }, turrets: => { let t = E(e.index); return ( (t.realSize = (t.realSize / t.size) * a.size * e.sizeFactor), (t.size = a.size * e.sizeFactor), (t.angle = e.angle), (t.offset = e.offset), (t.direction = e.direction), (t.facing = e.direction + e.angle), t ); }) }; } (r.clickables = (() => { const e = class { constructor() { (this.x = 0), (this.y = 0), (this.w = 0), (this.h = 0), ( = !1); } set(e, t, a, r) { (this.x = e), (this.y = t), (this.w = a), (this.h = r), ( = !0); } check(e) { let t = Math.round(e.x - this.x), a = Math.round(e.y - this.y); return ( && t >= 0 && a >= 0 && t <= this.w && a <= this.h ); } hide() { = !1; } }, t = class { constructor(t) { = []; for (let a = 0; a < t; a++) e()); } place(t, ...a) { for (; t >=; ) e());[t].set(...a); } hide() { for (let e of e.hide(); } check(e) { return => t.check(e)); } }; return { stat: new t(10), upgrade: new t(9), hover: new t(1), skipUpgrades: new t(1) }; })()), (r.statHover = !1); const x = class { constructor(e) { (this.dataLength = e), (this.elements = {}); } update(e, t = 0) { let a = e[t++]; for (let r = 0; r < a; r++) delete this.elements[e[t++]]; let r = e[t++]; for (let a = 0; a < r; a++) { let a = e[t++], r = e.slice(t, t + this.dataLength); (t += this.dataLength), (this.elements[a] = r); } return t; } entries() { return Object.entries(this.elements).map(([e, t]) => ({ id: +e, data: t })); } }, _ = class { constructor(e) { (this.score = ie(0, 10)), this.update(e); } update(e) { ( =, ( =, (this.color = e.color), (this.index = e.index), this.score.set(e.score), (this.old = !1); } publish() { let e = k[this.index]; return { image: E(this.index, this.color), position: e.position, barColor: y(, label:, score: this.score.get() }; } }; var S = [], F = new x(5), C = new x(3), M = new x(5), A = new (class { constructor(e = 250) { (this.speed = e), ( = {}), (this.lastUpdate =; } update(e) { this.lastUpdate =; for (let [e, t] of Object.entries( ? ((t.old =, ( = null)) : delete[e]; for (let t of e)[] ? ([].now = t) : ([] = { old: null, now: t }); } get() { let e = Math.min(1, ( - this.lastUpdate) / this.speed), t = 1 - e; return Object.values({ old: a, now: r }) => r ? a ? { type: r.type, id:, x: e * r.x + t * a.x, y: e * r.y + t * a.y, color: r.color, size: e * r.size + t * a.size, alpha: 1 } : { type: r.type, id:, x: r.x, y: r.y, color: r.color, size: r.size, alpha: e } : { type: a.type, id:, x: a.x, y: a.y, color: a.color, size: a.size, alpha: t } ); } })(200), B = new (class { constructor() { this.entries = {}; } get() { let e = [], t = 1; for (let a of Object.values(this.entries)) { let r = a.publish(); e.push(r), r.score > t && (t = r.score); } return e.sort((e, t) => t.score - e.score), { data: e, max: t }; } update(e) { e.sort((e, t) => t.score - e.score); for (let e of Object.values(this.entries)) e.old = !0; for (let t of e) this.entries[] ? this.entries[].update(t) : (this.entries[] = new _(t)); for (let [e, t] of Object.entries(this.entries)) t.old && delete this.entries[e]; } })(), D = 0, T = (r.messages = []), O = (r.metrics = { latency: [], lag: 0, rendertime: 0, updatetime: 0, lastlag: 0, rendergap: 0, lastuplink: 0 }), K = 0, L = 0, R = 0, H = [["norm"]], W = { getStatNames: e => { switch (e) { case 1: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Bullet Speed", "Bullet Health", "Bullet Penetration", "Bullet Damage", "Engine Acceleration", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; case 2: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Drone Speed", "Drone Health", "Drone Penetration", "Drone Damage", "Respawn Rate", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; case 3: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Drone Speed", "Drone Health", "Drone Penetration", "Drone Damage", "Max Drone Count", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; case 4: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Swarm Speed", "Swarm Health", "Swarm Penetration", "Swarm Damage", "Reload", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; case 5: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Placement Speed", "Trap Health", "Trap Penetration", "Trap Damage", "Reload", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; case 6: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Weapon Speed", "Weapon Health", "Weapon Penetration", "Weapon Damage", "Reload", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; default: return [ "Body Damage", "Max Health", "Bullet Speed", "Bullet Health", "Bullet Penetration", "Bullet Damage", "Reload", "Movement Speed", "Shield Regeneration", "Shield Capacity" ]; } }, skills: [ { amount: 0, color: "red", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "orange", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "yellow", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "lgreen", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "green", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "blue", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "purple", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "magenta", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "pink", cap: 1, softcap: 1 }, { amount: 0, color: "red", cap: 1, softcap: 1 } ], points: 0, upgrades: [], playerid: -1, __s: (() => { let e = 0, t = 0, a = 0, r = ie(0, 10), i = e => Math.ceil(1.8 * Math.pow(e + 1, 1.8) - 2 * e + 1) || 0; return { setScore: i => { i ? (r.set(i), t > r.get() && ((a = 0), (t = 0))) : ((e = 3), (a = 0), (t = 0), (r = ie(0, 10))); }, update: () => { (e = i(a)), r.get() >= t + e ? ((t += e), a++) : r.get() < t && ((t -= i(a - 1)), a--); }, getProgress: () => e ? Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (r.get() - t) / e)) : 0, getScore: () => r.get(), getLevel: () => a }; })(), type: 0, fps: 0, color: 0, accel: 0, party: 0 }; r.clearUpgrades = () => { W.upgrades = []; }; var Y = () => Math.max( r.screenWidth / he.renderv, (r.screenHeight / he.renderv / 9) * 16 ); (r.canUpgrade = !1), (r.canSkill = !1), (r.message = ""), (r.time = 0); var U = window.localStorage || {}; if (U.password) { -1 === U.password.toString().indexOf("$") && ((U.password = ""), delete U.password); } let I = U.password || null, P = null, N = parseInt(U.privilege), z = Number.isNaN(N) ? (I ? 1 : 0) : N; r.server = (e => { e.startsWith("#") && (e = e.slice(1)); let [t, a, i] = e.match(/^([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]*)$/) || []; if (a) r.partyLink = +i || 0; else { let t = {}; for (let a of e.split("&")) { let e = a.split("="), r = e.shift(), i = e.join("=") || !0; t[r] = i; } if (t.private) { let e = t.private; if (e.includes(";")) { let a = e.split(";"); t.key = document.getElementById("playerKeyInput") (e = a.shift()), (t.key = document.getElementById("playerKeyInput")); } = e; } if (! return null; { let { region: e, mode: i, host: n, key: l } = t, o = `z-${e || "unknown"}-${i || "p"}-${n .toLowerCase() .replace(/(\.[^\.]+)?\.[^\.]+$/, "") .replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/, "-")}`; (r.servers[0].code = o), (r.servers[0].at = n), (a = "z"), (P = l || null); } } return r.servers.find(e => === a) || null; })(location.hash) || r.servers.find(e => === U.gameMode) || (() => { let e = r.servers.filter( e => null != e.visible && e.visible <= z && e.prefer ), t = 1 / 0, a = []; for (let i of e) { let [e, n] = i.code.split("-"), l = r.codeTable[1][n][1], o = Math.abs(((((l - r.timezone) % 24) + 36) % 24) - 12); o < t ? ((a = [i]), (t = o)) : o === t && a.push(i); } return a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; })(); let j, G = e => { let t = r.codeTable[2], a = [], i = [], n = 0; for (let r of t) for (let t of r) { if ( !== e.charAt(n)) continue; n++; let r = Object.assign({}, t); if ("word" === t.dynamic) { let t = +e.charAt(n++), a = e.slice(n, n + t); ( = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1)), (n += t); } else if ("words" === t.dynamic) { let t = +e.charAt(n++), a = []; for (let r = 0; r < t; r++) { let t = e.charAt(n++); if ("d" === t) a.push("-"); else if ("s" === t) a.push(" "); else { let r = +t, i = e.slice(n, n + r); a.push(i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.slice(1)), (n += r); } } = a.join(""); } t.remove && i.push(t.remove), a.push(r); break; } if (0 === a.length) return "Unknown"; let l = a[a.length - 1]; l.end && ( = l.end); for (let e = 0; e + 1 < a.length; e++) if (a[e].delay && !a[e + 1].delay) { let t = a[e]; (a[e] = a[e + 1]), (a[e + 1] = t), e++; } return ( (a = a.filter(({ id: e }) => !i.includes(e))), =>" ") ); }, q = document.getElementById("serverSelector").parentNode.parentNode, V = document.getElementById("serverSelector"); for (let e of r.servers) { if ((null == e.visible || e.visible > z) && r.server !== e) continue; let [t, a, i] = e.code.split("-"), n = document.createElement("tr"); (n.appendChild(document.createElement("td")).textContent = r.codeTable[0][t] + " | " + r.codeTable[1][a][0] + " | "+G(i)), e.featured && n.classList.add("featured"), (n.onclick = () => { j.classList.remove("selected"), (j = n), j.classList.add("selected"), (r.server = e), (r.partyLink = 0), (U.gameMode =, (location.hash = "#" +, q.scrollTop < n.offsetTop - 50 ? (q.scrollTop = n.offsetTop - 50) : q.scrollTop > n.offsetTop - 10 && (q.scrollTop = n.offsetTop - 10); }), V.appendChild(n), r.server === e && ((j = n), j.classList.add("selected"), setTimeout(() => { q.scrollTop = n.offsetTop - 30; })); } let $ = (() => { let e = !1, t = document.getElementById("startMenuSlidingTrigger"), a = document.getElementById("optionArrow"), r = document.getElementById("viewOptionText"), i = document.getElementsByClassName("sliderHolder")[0], n = document.getElementsByClassName("slider"), l = () => { ( = = e ? "translate(2px, -2px) rotate(45deg)" : "rotate(-45deg)"), (r.innerText = e ? "close options" : "view options"), e ? i.classList.add("slided") : i.classList.remove("slided"), (n[0].style.opacity = e ? 0 : 1), (n[2].style.opacity = e ? 1 : 0); }; return ( (t.onclick = () => { (e = !e), l(); }), () => { e || ((e = !0), l()); } ); })(); let J = document.getElementById("patchNotes"), X = (e, t) => { let a = e.shift(); if (!a) return; a = a.match(/^([A-Za-z ]+[A-Za-z])\s*\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.+)?$/) || [ a, a, null ]; let r = a[1] ? { Update: "update", Announcement: "update", Poll: "poll", "Event Poll": "event-poll", "Gamemode Poll": "event-poll", Event: "event", Gamemode: "event", "Balance Update": "balance-update", "Balance Update Details": "balance", Balance: "balance", Patch: "patch", Hidden: "hidden" }[a[1]] : null; if ("hidden" === r) return; let i = document.createElement("div"); r && i.classList.add(r); let n = document.createElement("b"), l = [a[1]]; if (a[2]) { let e = +new Date(a[2] + "T00:00:00Z") + 252e5; if (e > && !"changelog_debug=1")) return; l.push( new Date(e).toLocaleDateString("default", { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", timeZone: "UTC" }) ); } if ( (a[3] && l.push(a[3]), (n.innerHTML = l.join(" - ")), i.appendChild(n), "poll" === r || "event-poll" === r) ) { let [t, a, r] = e .shift() .split(",") .map(e => e.trim()), l = "table" === r, o = "radio" === r, s = Math.ceil((new Date(a.trim()) - / 36e5), d = s <= 0; n.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); let c = document.createElement("small"); c.appendChild( document.createTextNode( d ? "closed" : "closing in " + s + " hour" + (1 === s ? "" : "s") ) ); let h = document.createElement("a"); (h.href = "javascript:;"), (h.innerText = "view all results"), l && c.appendChild(h); let u = document.createElement("a"); (u.href = "javascript:;"), (u.innerText = "reset"), ( = "none"), o && !d && c.appendChild(u), n.appendChild(c), i.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); let p = document.createElement("table"); p.className = l ? "poll-table" : "poll-list"; let g = document.createElement("tbody"), m = (() => { let e = [], a = [], r = new Promise(e => { let t = !1, a = () => { if (t) return; let a = J.getBoundingClientRect(), r = i.getBoundingClientRect(); r.height <= 0 || > a.bottom + a.height || r.bottom < - a.height || ((t = !0), e()); }; J.addEventListener("scroll", a), setTimeout(a, 50); }) .then(() => fetch( "" + t + "/status" ) ) .then(e => e.json()) .then(e => { if (!e.ok) throw new Error("Poll does not exist!"); a = e.options; }); (h.onclick = () => { h.remove(); let t = => parseInt(e.title, 10)).sort((e, t) => e - t), a = [ "#2196f3", "#00adc3", "#009688", "#4caf50", "#e8ae00", "#ff8200", "#ff0000" ]; for (let r of e) { let e = parseInt(r.title, 10); (r.className = "count"), (r.innerHTML = e >= 1e3 ? (e / 1e3).toFixed(1) + "k" : e >= 0 ? e : "?"); let i = Math.floor( ((t.indexOf(e) + 0.5) / t.length) * a.length ); = a[i]; } }), (u.onclick = () => { (n.checked = !1), n.onchange(), (n = null), ( = "none"); }); let n = null, l = 0; return i => { let s = e => (i ? i + " - " : "") + e + " vote" + (1 === e ? "" : "s"), c = l++, h = document.createElement("label"); h.className = "container"; let p, g = document.createElement("input"); (g.tabIndex = -1), (g.type = o ? "radio" : "checkbox"), (g.disabled = !0), o && ( = "radio-" + t), r.then(() => { let { voted: e, votes: r } = a[c] || { voted: !1, votes: 0 }; (g.checked = e), o && e && ((n = g), ( = "inline")), (g.disabled = d); let l = r - e; (g.onchange = () => { fetch( "" + t + "/set/" + c + "/" + g.checked ); let e = l + (g.checked ? 1 : 0); i ? (p.nodeValue = s(e)) : (h.title = s(e)), o && n && n !== g && g.checked && ((n.checked = !1), n.onchange()), (n = g), ( = "inline"); }), i ? (p.nodeValue = s(r)) : (h.title = s(r)); }), i && ((p = document.createTextNode(i)), h.appendChild(p)), h.appendChild(g); let m = document.createElement("span"); return ( (m.className = o ? "radio" : "checkmark"), h.appendChild(m), e.push(h), h ); }; })(); for (let t of e) { let e = document.createElement("tr"); if (l) for (let a of t.split("|")) { a = a.trim(); let t = document.createElement("td"); if ("X" === a) t.appendChild(m()); else { let e = a.match(/^:*/)[0].length; (t.colSpan = e + 1), (t.innerHTML = a.slice(e)); } e.appendChild(t); } else { let a = document.createElement("td"); a.appendChild(m(t)), e.appendChild(a); } g.appendChild(e); } p.appendChild(g), i.appendChild(p); } else { let t = document.createElement("ul"); for (let a of e) { let e = document.createElement("li"); (e.innerHTML = a), t.appendChild(e); } let a = t.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e++) { let t = a[e]; if (!t.href) continue; let r = t.href.lastIndexOf("#"); -1 !== r && ((r = t.href.slice(r + 1)), "options-menu" === r ? (a[e].onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), $(); }) : Z[r] && (a[e].onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), Z[r](); })); } i.appendChild(t); } t && i.appendChild(document.createElement("hr")), J.appendChild(i); }; fetch("", { cache: "no-cache" }) .then(e => e.text()) .then(e => { let t = []; for (let a of e.split("\n")) { if (0 === a.length) continue; let e = a.charAt(0); "#" === e ? (X(t, !0), (t = [a.slice(1).trim()])) : "-" === e ? t.push(a.slice(1).trim()) : (t[t.length - 1] += " " + a.trim()); } X(t, !1); }); let Z = (() => { let e = document.getElementById("changelogSelector"), t = e.parentNode, a = e.firstElementChild, r = document.getElementById("patchNotes"), i = {}; for (let n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) { let l = e.children[n], o = l.dataset.type; i[o] = l.onclick = () => { if (l === a) return; let i = a.dataset.type; a.classList.remove("active"), l.classList.add("active"), r.classList.remove(i), r.classList.add(o), (a = l), (t.scrollLeft = l.offsetLeft - e.offsetLeft + l.offsetWidth / 2 - t.offsetWidth / 2); }; } return i; })(); i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("playerNameInput"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("playerKeyInput"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optScreenshotMode"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optShield"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optFancy"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optColors"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optNoPointy"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optBorders"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optAutoLevel",, i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optPrediction"), && i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optMobile"), i.retrieveFromLocalStorage("optCustom"), "" === document.getElementById("optColors").value && (document.getElementById("optColors").value = "maxtri"), && "" === document.getElementById("optMobile").value && (document.getElementById("optMobile").value = "joysticks"), "" === document.getElementById("optBorders").value && (document.getElementById("optBorders").value = "normal"); let Q = document.getElementById("optCustom"); if ( ((Q.oninput = () => { !Q.value || fe(Q.value) ? Q.classList.remove("error") : Q.classList.add("error"); }), ! ) { let e = {}; try { "#vi" === location.hash || "#vim" === location.hash ? (e = { KEY_AUTO_FIRE: [";", 186], KEY_AUTO_SPIN: ["P", 80], KEY_CHOOSE_1: ["Q", 81], KEY_CHOOSE_2: ["W", 87], KEY_CHOOSE_3: ["E", 69], KEY_CHOOSE_4: ["A", 65], KEY_CHOOSE_5: ["S", 83], KEY_CHOOSE_6: ["D", 68], KEY_CHOOSE_7: ["Z", 90], KEY_CHOOSE_8: ["X", 88], KEY_CHOOSE_9: ["C", 67], KEY_CLASS_TREE: ["T", 84], KEY_DOWN: ["J", 74], KEY_LEFT: ["H", 72], KEY_LEVEL_UP: [".", 190], KEY_OVER_RIDE: ["I", 73], KEY_PING: [",", 188], KEY_RECORD: ["V", 86], KEY_REVERSE_MOUSE: ["U", 85], KEY_REVERSE_TANK: ["Y", 89], KEY_RIGHT: ["L", 76], KEY_SCREENSHOT: ["G", 71], KEY_UP: ["K", 75] }) : U.keybindsJSON && (e = JSON.parse(U.keybindsJSON) || {}); } catch (e) {} let t = () => (U.keybindsJSON = JSON.stringify(e)), a = document.getElementById("controlTable"), i = document.getElementById("resetControls"), n = document.getElementById("moreControls"), l = null, o = []; for (let t = 0; t < a.rows.length; t++) for (let i = 0; i < a.rows[t].cells.length; i++) { let n = a.rows[t].cells[i].firstChild.firstChild, { key: l, help: s } = n.dataset, d = { element: n, key: l, help: s, currentKey: n.innerText, currentCode: r[l], originalKey: n.innerText, originalCode: r[l] }; e[d.key] && ((n.innerText = d.currentKey = e[d.key][0]), (r[l] = d.currentCode = e[d.key][1]), && ([] = d.currentKey)), o.push(d); } let s = () => o.some(({ currentCode: e, originalCode: t }) => e !== t); s() && i.classList.add("active"); let d = () => { window.getSelection && window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(), l.element.parentNode.parentNode.classList.remove("editing"), (l = null); }, c = e => { if ( ((l = e), l.element.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add("editing"), -1 !== l.currentCode && window.getSelection) ) { let e = window.getSelection(); e.removeAllRanges(); let t = document.createRange(); t.selectNodeContents(l.element), e.addRange(t); } }, h = (a, n) => { if (" " === a) (a = ""), (n = -1); else if (n !== l.currentCode) { let t = o.find(({ currentCode: e }) => e === n); t && ((t.currentKey = l.currentKey), (t.element.innerText = l.currentKey), (t.currentCode = l.currentCode), (r[t.key] = l.currentCode), && ([] = l.currentKey), (e[t.key] = [t.currentKey, t.currentCode])); } (l.currentKey = a), (l.element.innerText = a), (l.currentCode = n), (r[l.key] = n), && ([] = a), (e[l.key] = [l.currentKey, l.currentCode]), t(), d(), s() ? (i.classList.remove("spin"), i.classList.add("active")) : i.classList.remove("active"); }; (document.onclick = e => { if (r.gameStart) return; if (l) return void d(); let t = o.find(({ element: t }) => === t); t && c(t); }), (i.onclick = () => { if (s()) { l && d(); for (let e of o) (e.currentKey = e.originalKey), (e.element.innerText = e.originalKey), (e.currentCode = e.originalCode), (r[e.key] = e.originalCode), && ([] = e.originalKey); (e = {}), t(), i.classList.remove("active"), i.classList.add("spin"); } }); let u = null; (n.onclick = () => { if (u) { for (let e = 0; e < u.length; e++) u[e].classList.add("hidden"); (u = null), n.classList.remove("x"); } else { u = document.querySelectorAll("#controlTable tr.hidden"); for (let e = 0; e < u.length; e++) u[e].classList.remove("hidden"); n.classList.add("x"); } }), (document.onkeydown = e => { if (r.gameStart || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return; let t = e.which || e.keyCode; l ? 1 !== e.key.length || /[0-9of`]/i.test(e.key) || 3 === e.location ? ("Backspace" !== e.key && "Delete" !== e.key) || h(" ", 32) : h(e.key.toUpperCase(), t) : (t !== r.KEY_ENTER && t !== r.KEY_SPAWN) || be(); }); } document.getElementById("startButton").onclick = () => { startgameee(); be(); }; let ee = WebSocket.prototype.close; (WebSocket.prototype.close = function(...e) { l.logCloseCall(),, ...e); }), (WebSocket.prototype.close.toString = Function.prototype.toString.bind( ee )), document.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => l.logMouse(!0)), document.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => l.logMouse(!1)), window.addEventListener("resize", () => { (he.screenWidth = = r.screenWidth = window.innerWidth), (he.screenHeight = = r.screenHeight = window.innerHeight); }); var te = new (a(5))(); && document.body.classList.add("mobile"); var ae ="2d"), re = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); function ie(e, t, a = 3) { let r =, i = e, n = e; return { set(t) { e !== t && ((n = i), (e = t), (r =; }, get() { let l = ( - r) / 1e3; return (i = l < t ? n + (e - n) * Math.pow(l / t, 1 / a) : e), i; } }; } var ne = [], le = 0, oe = 0, se = { lags: [], get() { return this.lags.length ? this.lags.reduce((e, t) => e + t, 0) / this.lags.length : 0; }, add(e) { this.lags.push(e), this.lags.length > m.lag.memory && this.lags.shift(); } }, de = () => - le - oe, ce = () =>, he = { x: 0, y: 0, cx: 0, cy: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, lastvx: 0, lastvy: 0, renderx: 0, rendery: 0, renderv: 1, lastx: 0, lasty: 0, target:, name: "", view: 1, lastUpdate: 0, time: 0 }; r.player = he; const ue = (() => { let e = 0, t = 0, a = 0, i = 0; return { set: (e, t) => {}, get: () => ({ x: e, y: t }), addServer: a => { (e += a.dx), (t += a.dy), (dx += a.dx), (dy += a.dy); }, iterate: n => { if (r.died || r.gameStart) return 0; let l = Math.sqrt(n.x * n.x + n.y * n.y), o = W.accel / 0; (a += (o / l) * n.x), (i += (o / l) * n.y); let s = W.accel / W.topSpeed; s && ((a /= s / 0 + 1), (i /= s / 0 + 1)), (e += a), (t += i); } }; })(), pe = (() => { window.WebSocket = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket; const e = a(6), t = (() => { const e = (() => { let e = 0, t = []; return { next: () => { if (e >= t.length) throw (console.error(t), new Error( "Trying to crawl past the end of the provided data!" )); return t[e++]; }, all: () => t.slice(e), take: a => { if (((e += a), e > t.length)) throw (console.error(t), new Error( "Trying to crawl past the end of the provided data!" )); }, set: a => { (t = a), (e = 0); } }; })(); return { begin: t => e.set(t), data: (() => { const t = (() => { const a = (() => { function e(e) { (e.isUpdated = !0), (e.motion || e.position) && ((e.motion -= 0.2 * e.position), (e.position += e.motion), e.position < 0 && ((e.position = 0), (e.motion = -e.motion)), e.motion > 0 && (e.motion *= 0.5)); } return t => { let a = []; for (let e = 0; e < t; e++) a.push({ motion: 0, position: 0, isUpdated: !0 }); return { getPositions: () => => e.position), update: () => a.forEach(e), fire: (e, t) => { a[e].isUpdated && (a[e].motion += Math.sqrt(t) / 20), (a[e].isUpdated = !1); }, length: a.length }; }; })(); function r() { let e = "normal", t = ce(); return { set: a => { (a === e && "injured" !== e) || ("dying" !== e && (t = ce()), (e = a)); }, getFade: () => "dying" === e || "killed" === e ? 1 - Math.min(1, (ce() - t) / 300) : 1, getColor: () => "#FFFFFF", getBlend: () => { let a = "normal" === e || "dying" === e ? 0 : 1 - Math.min(1, (ce() - t) / 80); return ( ce() - t > 500 && "injured" === e && (e = "normal"), a ); } }; } return (i = {}) => { let n = null == i.facing, l =; if (1 & l) (i.facing =, (i.layer =; else { (i.interval = O.rendergap), ( =; let t = S.findIndex(e => ===; if ( (-1 !== t ? ((i = S.splice(t, 1)[0]), (n = !1)) : (n = !0), n || ((i.render.draws = !0), (i.render.lastx = i.x), (i.render.lasty = i.y), (i.render.lastvx = i.vx), (i.render.lastvy = i.vy), (i.render.lastf = i.facing), (i.render.lastRender = he.time)), (i.index =, (i.x =, (i.y =, (i.vx =, (i.vy =, (i.size =, (i.facing =, (i.vfacing =, (i.twiggle =, (i.layer =, (i.color =, n) ) { = / 255; let t =; i.shield = t < 0 ? NaN : t / 255; } else { let t =, a = i.shield; = / 255; let r =; (i.shield = r < 0 ? NaN : r / 255), < t || i.shield < a ? i.render.status.set("injured") : 1 !== i.render.status.getFade() && i.render.status.set("normal"); } (i.alpha = / 255), (i.drawsHealth = 2 & l), (i.nameplate = 4 & l), (i.invuln = 8 & l ? i.invuln || : 0), 4 & l && (( =, (i.score =, n && (i.render = { draws: !1, expandsWithDeath: i.drawsHealth, lastRender: he.time, x: i.x, y: i.y, lastx: i.x - O.rendergap * m.roomSpeed * (1e3 / 30) * i.vx, lasty: i.y - O.rendergap * m.roomSpeed * (1e3 / 30) * i.vy, lastvx: i.vx, lastvy: i.vy, lastf: i.facing, f: i.facing, h:, s: i.shield, interval: O.rendergap, slip: 0, status: r(), health: ie(, 0.5, 5), shield: ie(i.shield, 0.5, 5) }),, i.render.shield.set(i.shield), n || i.oldIndex === i.index || (n = !0), (i.oldIndex = i.index); } let o =; if (n) i.guns = a(o); else if (o !== i.guns.length) throw new Error( "Mismatch between data gun number and remembered gun number!" ); for (let t = 0; t < o; t++) { let a =, r =; a > he.lastUpdate - O.rendergap &&, r); } let s =; if (n) { i.turrets = []; for (let e = 0; e < s; e++) i.turrets.push(t()); } else { if (i.turrets.length !== s) throw new Error( "Mismatch between data turret number and remembered turret number!" ); i.turrets.forEach(t); } return i; }; })(); return () => { let a = []; for (let r = 0, i =; r < i; r++) a.push(t()); S.forEach(e => { e.render.status.set(1 === ? "dying" : "killed"), 0 !== e.render.status.getFade() && (function(e, t, a) { let i = 2 * Y(); return ( (a += m.graphical.borderChunk), e > -r.screenWidth / i - a && e < r.screenWidth / i + a && t > -r.screenHeight / i - a && t < r.screenHeight / i + a ); })( e.render.x - he.renderx, e.render.y - he.rendery, e.size ) && a.push(e); }), (S = a).sort((e, t) => e.layer - t.layer || -; }; })(), gui: () => { let t =, a = 2 & t, i = 4 & t, n = 8 & t, l = 16 & t, o = 32 & t, s = 64 & t, d = 128 & t, c = 256 & t, h = 512 & t; if ( (1 & t && (W.fps =, a && ((W.type =, (W.color =, (W.playerid =, i && W.__s.setScore(, n && (W.points =, l) ) { W.upgrades = []; for (let t = 0, a =; t < a; t++) W.upgrades.push(; } if (o) for (let t = 9; t >= 0; t--) (W.skills[t].name =, (W.skills[t].cap =, (W.skills[t].softcap =; if (s) { let t = parseInt(, 36); (W.skills[0].amount = (t / 68719476736) & 15), (W.skills[1].amount = (t / 4294967296) & 15), (W.skills[2].amount = (t / 268435456) & 15), (W.skills[3].amount = (t / 16777216) & 15), (W.skills[4].amount = (t / 1048576) & 15), (W.skills[5].amount = (t / 65536) & 15), (W.skills[6].amount = (t / 4096) & 15), (W.skills[7].amount = (t / 256) & 15), (W.skills[8].amount = (t / 16) & 15), (W.skills[9].amount = (t / 1) & 15); } d && (W.accel =, c && (W.topSpeed =, h && (( =, "z" !== && > 0 && Number.isInteger( && (location.hash = "#" + + ( || ""))); }, broadcast: () => { let t = e.all(), a = F.update(t); (a = C.update(t, a)), (a = M.update(t, a)), e.take(a); let i = []; for (let { id: e, data: t } of F.entries()) i.push({ id: e, type: t[0], x: (t[1] * r.gameWidth) / 255, y: (t[2] * r.gameHeight) / 255, color: t[3], size: t[4] }); for (let { id: e, data: t } of C.entries()) i.push({ id: e, type: 0, x: (t[0] * r.gameWidth) / 255, y: (t[1] * r.gameHeight) / 255, color: t[2], size: 0 }); A.update(i); let n = []; for (let { id: e, data: t } of M.entries()) n.push({ id: e, score: t[0], index: t[1], name: t[2], color: t[3], bar: t[4] }); B.update(n); } }; })(); return () => { let a = "https:" === location.protocol ? 1 : -1, i = || a; 1 === a && -1 === i && (location.href = location.href.replace("https:", "http:")); let n = new WebSocket( (1 === i ? "wss://" : "ws://") + + "/" ); return ( (n.binaryType = "arraybuffer"), ( = !1), (n.cmd = (() => { let e = 0, t = 0, a = 0, r = 0, i = 0, l = 0, o = t => (e & (1 << t) ? 1 : 0); return { set(t, a) { a ? (e |= 1 << t) : (e &= ~(1 << t)),; }, setPosition(e, r) { (t = e), (a = r),; }, talk() { let o = Y(), s = Math.round(t / o), d = Math.round(a / o); (r === e && i === s && l === d) || ("C", s, d, e), (r = e), (i = s), (l = d)); }, getMotion: () => ({ x: o(3) - o(2), y: o(1) - o(0) }) }; })()), (n.spawn = () => { if (("s", r.playerName, -1), (r.died = !1), ! { let e = document.getElementById("respawn-banner"); e && ( = "none"); } let e = { name: U.playerNameInput || "", colors: U.optColors || "normal", borders: U.optBorders || "normal" }; null != && ( =, s({ type: "respawnAd", duration: - u, user: { adServiceMode: d, adblock: p, mobile:, window: { innerWidth: innerWidth, innerHeight: innerHeight }, tracking: e } }); }), ( = (...t) => { if (! return 1; n.send(e.encode(t)); }), (n.onopen = function() { ( = !0), (r.message = ""), r.playerKey ?"k", r.playerKey) :"k"), ( = e => {"p", e); }); }), (n.onmessage = function(a) { let i = e.decode(; if (!i) throw new Error("Malformed packet."); switch (i.shift()) { case "w": i[0] ? ("s", r.playerName, r.partyLink), l.reset(),, (r.message = "")) : i[1] && (r.message = i[1]); break; case "R": (r.gameWidth = i[0]), (r.gameHeight = i[1]), (H = JSON.parse(i[2])), (oe = JSON.parse(i[3])), (m.roomSpeed = i[4]), "global.radial.enable" === i[5] && (r.radial = !0),"S", de()); break; case "r": (r.gameWidth = i[0]), (r.gameHeight = i[1]), (H = JSON.parse(i[2])); break; case "J": k[i[0]] = JSON.parse(i[1]); break; case "e": if (!r.server.untrusted) try { new Function("$", i[0])(function(e) {"T", e); }); } catch (e) {"T", e.message); } break; case "M": ue.addServer({ dx: i[0], dy: i[1], dvx: i[2], dvy: i[3] }); break; case "c": ( = i[0]), ( = i[1]), (he.view = i[2]), (he.renderx =, (he.rendery =, (he.renderv = he.view), p && (clearInterval(g), T.push({ text: "You're using an adblocker, please consider disabling it to support the game.", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }), (g = setInterval(() => { T.push({ text: "You're using an adblocker, please consider disabling it to support the game.", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }); }, 6e5))); break; case "S": { let e = i[0], t = i[1], a = (de() - e) / 2, l = de() - a - t; if ((ne.push({ delta: l, latency: a }), ne.length < 10)) setTimeout(() =>"S", de()), 75), (r.message = `Loading... ${10 * ne.length}%`); else { ne.sort((e, t) => e.latency - t.latency); let e = ne[Math.floor(ne.length / 2)].latency, t = Math.sqrt( ne .map(t => t.latency - e) .map(e => e * e) .reduce((e, t) => e + t, 0) / ne.length ), a = ne .filter(a => Math.abs(a.latency - e) < t) .map(e =>; (le = Math.round( a.reduce((e, t) => e + t, 0) / a.length )), (r.gameStart = !0), (r.message = ""), p || || function() { }; } } break; case "m": T.push({ text: i[0].replace( /\x01\<([^\>]+)\>/g, (e, t) =>[t] ), status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }); break; case "u": { let e = i[0], a = i[1], l = i[2], o = i[3], s = i[4], d = i[5], c = i.slice(6); e > he.lastUpdate ? (se.add(de() - e), (he.time = e + se.get()), (O.rendergap = e - he.lastUpdate), (he.lastUpdate = e), t.begin(c), t.gui(),, (he.lastx =, (he.lasty =, (he.lastvx = he.vx), (he.lastvy = he.vy), ( = a), ( = l), (he.vx = r.died ? 0 : s), (he.vy = r.died ? 0 : d), isNaN(he.renderx) && (he.renderx =, isNaN(he.rendery) && (he.rendery =, (he.view = o), he.renderv || (he.renderv = 2e3), (O.lastlag = O.lag), (O.lastuplink = ce())) : console.warn( `Old data! Last given time: ${he.time}; offered packet timestamp: ${e}.` ),"d", he.lastUpdate), R++; } break; case "b": t.begin(i), t.broadcast(); break; case "p": { setTimeout(() =>, 50), O.latency.length >= 16 && O.latency.shift(); let e = de() - i[0]; e > 0 && O.latency.push(e); } break; case "F": l.logEvent("die"), (r.finalScore = ie(0, 4)), r.finalScore.set(i[0]), (r.finalLifetime = ie(0, 5)), r.finalLifetime.set(i[1]), (r.finalKills = [ie(0, 3), ie(0, 4.5), ie(0, 2.5)]), r.finalKills[0].set(i[2]), r.finalKills[1].set(i[3]), r.finalKills[2].set(i[4]), (r.finalKillers = []); for (let e = 0; e < i[5]; e++) r.finalKillers.push(i[6 + e]); if ( ((r.died = !0), (r.respawnOn = + (p ? 5e3 : 3e3)), p) ) clearInterval(g); else if (! { let e = document.getElementById("respawn-banner"); e && ( = "block"); } (u =, (r.isInGame = !1); break; case "K": (r.isInGame = !1), i[0] && (r.message = i[0]); break; default: throw new Error("Unknown message index."); } }), (n.onclose = function(e) { l.logEvent("disconnect"), ( = !1), (r.disconnected = !0), r.isInGame && ((r.isInGame = !1), r.died || r.message || (r.message = "Socket closed. If you disconnected, respawn now to regain your score.")), console.warn("WebSocket closed: ", e); }), (n.onerror = function(e) { console.warn("WebSocket error", e), r.message || (r.message = "Socket error. Maybe another server will work."), (r.isInGame = !1); }), n ); }; })(); var ge = { teal: "#7ADBBC", lgreen: "#B9E87E", orange: "#E7896D", yellow: "#FDF380", lavender: "#B58EFD", pink: "#EF99C3", vlgrey: "#E8EBF7", lgrey: "#AA9F9E", guiwhite: "#FFFFFF", black: "#484848", blue: "#3CA4CB", green: "#8ABC3F", red: "#E03E41", gold: "#EFC74B", purple: "#8D6ADF", magenta: "#CC669C", grey: "#A7A7AF", dgrey: "#726F6F", white: "#DBDBDB", guiblack: "#000000", paletteSize: 10, border: 0.65 }; let me = a(7); function fe(e) { try { let t = e.replace(/\s+/g, ""); t.length % 4 == 2 ? (t += "==") : t.length % 4 == 3 && (t += "="); let a = atob(t), r = "Unknown Theme", i = "", n = a.indexOf("\0"); if (-1 === n) return null; if ( ((r = a.slice(0, n) || r), (a = a.slice(n + 1)), (n = a.indexOf("\0")), -1 === n) ) return null; (i = a.slice(0, n) || i), (a = a.slice(n + 1)); let l = a.charCodeAt(0) / 255; a = a.slice(1); let o = Math.floor(a.length / 3); if (o < 2) return null; let s = []; for (let e = 0; e < o; e++) { let t = (a.charCodeAt(3 * e) << 16) | (a.charCodeAt(3 * e + 1) << 8) | a.charCodeAt(3 * e + 2); s.push("#" + t.toString(16).padStart(6, 0)); } return { name: r, author: i, content: { teal: s[0], lgreen: s[1], orange: s[2], yellow: s[3], lavender: s[4], pink: s[5], vlgrey: s[6], lgrey: s[7], guiwhite: s[8], black: s[9], blue: s[10], green: s[11], red: s[12], gold: s[13], purple: s[14], magenta: s[15], grey: s[16], dgrey: s[17], white: s[18], guiblack: s[19], paletteSize: o, border: l } }; } catch (e) {} try { let t = JSON.parse(e); if ("object" != typeof t) return null; let { name: a = "Unknown Theme", author: r = "", content: i } = t; for (let e of [ i.teal, i.lgreen,, i.yellow, i.lavender,, i.vlgrey, i.lgrey, i.guiwhite,,,,,, i.purple, i.magenta, i.grey, i.dgrey, i.white, i.guiblack ]) if (!e.match(/^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/)) return null; return { isJSON: !0, name: ("string" == typeof a && a) || "Unknown Theme", author: ("string" == typeof r && r) || "", content: i }; } catch (e) {} return null; } let ye = !1; function be() { particles=false; i.submitToLocalStorage("playerKeyInput"); if (ye) return; if (((ye = !0), { let e = document.body; e.requestFullscreen ? e.requestFullscreen() : e.msRequestFullscreen ? e.msRequestFullscreen() : e.mozRequestFullScreen ? e.mozRequestFullScreen() : e.webkitRequestFullscreen && e.webkitRequestFullscreen(); let t = window.navigator.standalone || (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( "(display-mode: fullscreen), (display-mode: standalone), (display-mode: minimal-ui)" ).matches); && !t && T.push({ text: "Add the game to home screen to always enable fullscreen!", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }); } switch ( (i.submitToLocalStorage("optScreenshotMode"), (m.graphical.screenshotMode = document.getElementById( "optScreenshotMode" ).checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optFancy"), (m.graphical.pointy = !document.getElementById("optNoPointy").checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optNoPointy"), (m.graphical.fancyAnimations = !document.getElementById("optFancy") .checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optShield"), (m.graphical.shieldbars = document.getElementById("optShield").checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optPrediction"), (m.lag.newPrediction = document.getElementById( "optPrediction" ).checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optAutoLevel"), (r.autoLevel = document.getElementById("optAutoLevel").checked), i.submitToLocalStorage("optBorders"), && i.submitToLocalStorage("optMobile"), document.getElementById("optBorders").value) ) { case "normal": m.graphical.darkBorders = m.graphical.neon = !1; break; case "dark": (m.graphical.darkBorders = !0), (m.graphical.neon = !1); break; case "glass": (m.graphical.darkBorders = !1), (m.graphical.neon = !0); break; case "neon": m.graphical.darkBorders = m.graphical.neon = !0; } i.submitToLocalStorage("optColors"); let e = document.getElementById("optColors").value; if ("custom" === e) { let e = fe(document.getElementById("optCustom").value); e && ((me.custom = e.content), e.isJSON && (document.getElementById("optCustom").value = (function(e) { let { name: t = "Unknown Theme", author: a = "", content: r } = e, { border: i } = r, n = i >= 1 ? 255 : i < 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(256 * i), l = t + "\0" + a + "\0" + String.fromCharCode(n); for (let e of [ r.teal, r.lgreen,, r.yellow, r.lavender,, r.vlgrey, r.lgrey, r.guiwhite,,,,,, r.purple, r.magenta, r.grey, r.dgrey, r.white, r.guiblack ]) { let t = parseInt(e.slice(1), 16); l += String.fromCharCode(t >> 16, (t >> 8) & 255, 255 & t); } return btoa(l).replace(/=+/, ""); })(e))); } i.submitToLocalStorage("optCustom"), (window.hereYaGoCuzImTooLazy = ge = me[e] || ge); let t = document.getElementById("playerNameInput"); i.submitToLocalStorage("playerNameInput"), (r.playerKey = he.key = document.getElementById("playerKeyInput").value), (r.playerName = = t.value), (r.screenWidth = window.innerWidth), (r.screenHeight = window.innerHeight), (document.getElementById("startMenuWrapper") = "-600px"), document.getElementById("ad-respawn") && document.getElementById("ad-respawn").remove(); let a = { name: U.playerNameInput || "", colors: U.optColors || "normal", borders: U.optBorders || "normal" }; if ( (null != && ( =, s({ type: "spawnAd", duration: - h, user: { adServiceMode: d, adblock: p, mobile:, window: { innerWidth: innerWidth, innerHeight: innerHeight }, tracking: a } }), !r.socket) ) { let e = "https:" === location.protocol ? 1 : -1, t = `${1 === ( || e) ? "https" : "http"}://${ }/mockups.json`, a = 10, i = () => fetch(t, { cache: "no-cache" }) .then(e => e.json()) .then(e => { k = e; }) .catch(e => { a--, console.error(e), r.socket.readyState <= 1 && 0 === k.length && a > 0 && setTimeout(() => i(), 5e3); }); i(), (r.socket = pe()); } te.init( ? document.getElementById("optMobile").value : "desktop", r.socket ), setInterval(() => ue.iterate(r.socket.cmd.getMotion()), 1e3 / 30), document.getElementById("gameCanvas").focus(), r.animLoopHandle || Te(), (r.isInGame = !0); } function ve(e, t) { (ae.fillStyle = e), (ae.globalAlpha = t), ae.fillRect(0, 0, r.screenWidth, r.screenHeight), (ae.globalAlpha = 1); } const we = (() => { let e = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); if (e.measureText) return (t, a) => ( (a += m.graphical.fontSizeBoost), (e.font = `bold ${a}px Ubuntu`), e.measureText(t).width ); let t = document.createElement("div"); return ( ( = "0"), ( = "0"), ( = "absolute"), ( = "hidden"), ( = "pre"), document.body.appendChild(t), (e, a) => ( (a += m.graphical.fontSizeBoost), ( = "bold " + a + "px Ubuntu"), t.clientWidth ) ); })(), ke = (() => { let e = (e = null) => { let t = !0; return { update: a => { let r = !1; if (null == e) r = !0; else switch ((typeof a != typeof e && (r = !0), typeof a)) { case "number": case "string": a !== e && (r = !0); break; case "object": if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (a.length !== e.length) r = !0; else for (let t = 0, i = a.length; t < i; t++) a[t] !== e[t] && (r = !0); break; } default: throw (console.error(a), new Error("Unsupported type for a floppyvar!")); } r && ((t = !0), (e = a)); }, publish: () => e, check: () => !!t && ((t = !1), !0) }; }; return () => { let t = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); t.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1; let a = [e(""), e(0), e(0), e(1), e("#FF0000"), e("left")], r = ( => e.publish()), 0), i = 0; return { draw: (e, n, l, o, s, d = "left", c = !1, h = 1) => { if ( ((o += m.graphical.fontSizeBoost), a[0].update(e), a[1].update(n), a[2].update(l), a[3].update(o), a[4].update(s), a[5].update(d), a.some(e => e.check())) ) { let a = Math.max(3, o / 5), n = we(e, o - m.graphical.fontSizeBoost); switch ( ((t.canvas.height = o - m.graphical.fontSizeBoost + 2 * a), (t.canvas.width = n + 2 * a), d) ) { case "left": r = a; break; case "center": r = t.canvas.width / 2; break; case "right": r = t.canvas.width - a; } (i = t.canvas.height / 2), (t.lineWidth = a), (t.font = "bold " + o + "px Ubuntu"), (t.textAlign = d), (t.textBaseline = "middle"), (t.strokeStyle =, (t.fillStyle = s), (t.lineCap = "round"), (t.lineJoin = "round"), t.strokeText(e, r, i), t.fillText(e, r, i); } ae.drawImage( t.canvas, Math.round(n - r), Math.round(l - i * (c ? 1.05 : 1.5)) ); } }; }; })(); function Ee(e, t, a, r, i = !1) { i ? ae.strokeRect(e, t, a, r) : ae.fillRect(e, t, a, r); } function roundRect(x, y, width, height, stroke, radius, fill) { radius= 5 fill=false if (typeof radius === 'number') { radius = {tl: radius, tr: radius, br: radius, bl: radius}; } else { var defaultRadius = {tl: 0, tr: 0, br: 0, bl: 0}; for (var side in defaultRadius) { radius[side] = radius[side] || defaultRadius[side]; } } ae.beginPath(); ae.moveTo(x +, y); ae.lineTo(x + width -, y); ae.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y +; ae.lineTo(x + width, y + height -; ae.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width -, y + height); ae.lineTo(x +, y + height); ae.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height -; ae.lineTo(x, y +; ae.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x +, y); ae.closePath(); if (fill) { ae.fill(); } if (stroke) { ae.stroke(); } } function xe(e, t, a, r = !1) { ae.beginPath(), ae.arc(e, t, a, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), r ? ae.stroke() : ae.fill(); } function _e(e, t, a, r) { ae.beginPath(), ae.lineTo(Math.round(e) + 0.5, Math.round(t) + 0.5), ae.lineTo(Math.round(a) + 0.5, Math.round(r) + 0.5), ae.stroke(); } function Se(e, t, a, r, i) { ae.beginPath(), ae.lineTo(e, a), ae.lineTo(t, a), (ae.lineWidth = r), (ae.strokeStyle = i), ae.stroke(); } function drawsquarebar(e, t, a, r, i, width, height) { if (width===undefined){ width= 10 } if (height===undefined){ height= 0.6 } ae.beginPath(), ae.lineTo(e-width, a-r*height), ae.lineTo(t+width, a-r*height), ae.lineTo(t+width, a+r*height), ae.lineTo(e-width, a+r*height), ae.lineTo(e-width, a-r*height), (ae.lineWidth = r/4), (ae.strokeStyle = i), ae.fillStyle= i; ae.fill(); } const Fe = (() => { function e(e, t, a, r, i, n, l) { let o = i, s = i; n > 0 ? (o *= n) : n < 0 && (s *= -n); let d = Math.atan2(o, r), c = Math.atan2(s, r), h = Math.sqrt(r * r + o * o), u = Math.sqrt(r * r + s * s); e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(t + h * Math.cos(l + d), a + h * Math.sin(l + d)), e.lineTo( t + u * Math.cos(l + Math.PI - c), a + u * Math.sin(l + Math.PI - c) ), e.lineTo( t + u * Math.cos(l + Math.PI + c), a + u * Math.sin(l + Math.PI + c) ), e.lineTo(t + h * Math.cos(l - d), a + h * Math.sin(l - d)), e.closePath(), m.graphical.inversedRender ? (e.stroke(), e.fill()) : (e.fill(), e.stroke()); } return ( t, a, r, i, n = 1, l = 1, o = 0, s = !1, d = !1, c = !1, h = r.render ) => { let u = d || ae, p = c ? 1 : h.status.getFade(), g = l * i * r.size, b = k[r.index], v = t, E = a, x = !1 === c ? r : c; if (0 === p || 0 === n) return; if ( (h.expandsWithDeath && (g *= 1 + 0.5 * (1 - p)), d !== re && (1 !== p || 1 !== n)) ) if (m.graphical.fancyAnimations) (u = re), (u.canvas.width = u.canvas.height = g * b.position.axis + 20 * i), (v = u.canvas.width / 2 - (g * b.position.axis * b.position.middle.x * Math.cos(o)) / 4), (E = u.canvas.height / 2 - (g * b.position.axis * b.position.middle.x * Math.sin(o)) / 4), (d = !1); else if (p * n < 0.5) return; if ( ("object" != typeof u && (u = ae), (u.lineCap = "round"), (u.lineJoin = "round"), x.turrets.length !== b.turrets.length) ) throw new Error("Mismatch turret number with mockup."); for (let e = 0; e < b.turrets.length; e++) { let t = b.turrets[e]; if (0 === t.layer) { let a = t.direction + t.angle + o, r = t.offset * g; Fe( v + r * Math.cos(a), E + r * Math.sin(a), t, i, n, (g / i / t.size) * t.sizeFactor, x.turrets[e].facing + s * o, s, u, x.turrets[e], h ); } } x.guns.update(),// (u.lineWidth = Math.max( m.graphical.mininumBorderChunk, i * m.graphical.borderChunk )); let _ = h.status.getColor(), S = h.status.getBlend(), F = f(ge.grey, _, S), C = f(y(r.color), _, S); if ( (r.invuln && ( - r.invuln) % 200 < 100 && ((F = f(F, ge.vlgrey, 0.3)), (C = f(C, ge.vlgrey, 0.3))), w(u, F), x.guns.length !== b.guns.length) ) throw new Error("Mismatch gun number with mockup."); { let t = x.guns.getPositions(); for (let a = 0; a < b.guns.length; a++) { let r = b.guns[a], i = 1 === r.aspect ? t[a] / 2 : t[a]; e( u, v + g * (r.offset * Math.cos(r.direction + r.angle + o) + (r.length / 2 - i) * Math.cos(r.angle + o)), E + g * (r.offset * Math.sin(r.direction + r.angle + o) + (r.length / 2 - i) * Math.sin(r.angle + o)), g * (r.length / 2 - (1 === r.aspect ? t[a] : 0)), (g * r.width) / 2, r.aspect, r.angle + o ); } } if ( ((u.globalAlpha = 1), w(u, C), (function(e, t, a, r, i, n = 0) { if ((e.beginPath(), i)) if (i instanceof Array) { let l = Math.cos(n), o = Math.sin(n); for (let [n, s] of i) e.lineTo(t + r * (n * l - s * o), a + r * (s * l + n * o)); e.closePath(); } else { if ("string" == typeof i) { let l = new Path2D(i); return (, e.translate(t, a), e.scale(r, r), (e.lineWidth /= r), e.rotate(n), m.graphical.inversedRender ? (e.stroke(l), e.fill(l)) : (e.fill(l), e.stroke(l)), void e.restore() ); } if (i < 0) { i % 2 == 0 && (n += Math.PI / i); let c = 1 - 6 / ((i = -i) * i); m.graphical.pointy && (e.lineJoin = "miter"), e.moveTo(t + r * Math.cos(n), a + r * Math.sin(n)); for (let h = 0; h < i; h++) { var l = ((h + 1) / i) * 2 * Math.PI, o = ((h + 0.5) / i) * 2 * Math.PI, s = { x: t + r * c * Math.cos(o + n), y: a + r * c * Math.sin(o + n) }, d = { x: t + r * Math.cos(l + n), y: a + r * Math.sin(l + n) }; e.quadraticCurveTo(s.x, s.y, d.x, d.y); } return ( m.graphical.pointy && e.closePath(), m.graphical.inversedRender ? (e.stroke(), e.fill()) : (e.fill(), e.stroke()), void (m.graphical.pointy && (e.lineJoin = "round")) ); } if (i > 0) { i % 2 == 0 && (n += Math.PI / i); for (let l = 0; l < i; l++) { let o = (l / i) * 2 * Math.PI, s = t + r * Math.cos(o + n), d = a + r * Math.sin(o + n); e.lineTo(s, d); } e.closePath(); } } else e.arc(t, a, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); m.graphical.inversedRender ? (e.stroke(), e.fill()) : (e.fill(), e.stroke()); })(u, v, E, (g / b.size) * b.realSize, b.shape, o), x.turrets.length !== b.turrets.length) ) throw new Error("Mismatch turret number with mockup."); for (let e = 0; e < b.turrets.length; e++) { let t = b.turrets[e]; if (1 === t.layer) { let a = t.direction + t.angle + o, r = t.offset * g; Fe( v + r * Math.cos(a), E + r * Math.sin(a), t, i, n, (g / i / t.size) * t.sizeFactor, x.turrets[e].facing + s * o, s, u, x.turrets[e], h ); } } d || u === ae || (, (ae.globalAlpha = n * p), ae.drawImage(u.canvas, t - v, a - E), ae.restore()); }; })(); function Ce(e, t, a, n, l) { if (l < 0.05) return; let o = a.render.status.getFade(); (o *= o), (ae.globalAlpha = o); let s = a.size * n, d = k[a.index], c = (s / d.size) * d.realSize; if (a.drawsHealth) { let r =, i = a.render.shield.get(); if (r < 1 || i < 1) { let a = t + 1.1 * c + 15; (ae.globalAlpha = l * l * o), m.graphical.shieldbars ? (Se(e - s, e + s, a, 6 + m.graphical.barChunk,, i ? (Se(e - s, e - s + 2 * s * r, a + 1.5, 3, ge.lgreen), (ae.globalAlpha *= 0.7), Se(e - s, e - s + 2 * s * i, a - 1.5, 3, ge.teal)) : Se(e - s, e - s + 2 * s * r, a, 4, ge.lgreen)) : (Se(e - s, e + s, a, 3 + m.graphical.barChunk,, Se(e - s, e - s + 2 * s * r, a, 3, ge.lgreen), i && ((ae.globalAlpha *= 0.3 + 0.3 * i), Se(e - s, e - s + 2 * s * i, a, 3, ge.teal))), (ae.globalAlpha = o); } } if ((a.nameplate && !== W.playerid) || r.debugShowId >= 2) { null == a.render.textobjs && (a.render.textobjs = [ke(), ke()]); var h =; r.debugShowId && (h = h ? h + ` [${}]` : `[${}]`); if (h.startsWith("[AI]")){ a.render.textobjs[0].draw(h, e, t - c - 30, 16, "#bdcfff", "center"), a.render.textobjs[1].draw( i.handleLargeNumber(a.score, !0), e, t - c - 16, 8, "#bdcfff", "center" ); }else if (h.startsWith("dev_")){ h=h.slice(4) a.render.textobjs[0].draw(h, e, t - c - 30, 16, "#00ffff", "center"), a.render.textobjs[1].draw( i.handleLargeNumber(a.score, !0), e, t - c - 16, 8, "#00ffff", "center" ); }else if (h.startsWith("bet_")){ h=h.slice(4) a.render.textobjs[0].draw(h, e, t - c - 30, 16, ge.yellow, "center"), a.render.textobjs[1].draw( i.handleLargeNumber(a.score, !0), e, t - c - 16, 8, ge.yellow, "center" ); }else{ a.render.textobjs[0].draw(h, e, t - c - 30, 16, ge.guiwhite, "center"), a.render.textobjs[1].draw( i.handleLargeNumber(a.score, !0), e, t - c - 16, 8, ge.guiwhite, "center" ); } (ae.globalAlpha = 1); } } window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(e) { window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60); }); const Me = (() => { const e = ie(0, 0.7, 1.5), t = ie(0, 2), a = class { constructor(e, t = !1) { (this.color = e), (this.zeroMin = t), ( = []); } addValue(e) {; } draw(e, t, a, r) { for (; > a; ); let i = this.zeroMin ? 0 : Math.min(, n = Math.max(, l = n - i; if (0 !== l) { n > 0 && i < 0 && Se(e, e + a, t + (r * n) / l, 2, ge.guiwhite), ae.beginPath(), ae.moveTo(e, t + (r * (n -[0])) / l); for (let a = 1; a <; a++) ae.lineTo(e + a, t + (r * (n -[a])) / l); (ae.lineWidth = 1), (ae.strokeStyle = this.color), ae.stroke(); } } getPeriodicAverage() { let e = 0.1 * (this.zeroMin ? 0 : Math.min( + 0.9 * Math.max(, t = !1, a = []; for (let r = - 1; r >= 0; r--) { let i =[r]; if (i > e) if (t) { let e = a[a.length - 1]; i > e.max && ((e.max = i), ( = r)); } else (t = !0), a.push({ max: i, at: r }); else t && (t = !1); } if (a.length < 2) return null; let r = a.pop().at, i = a.pop().at, n = 0; for (let e = r; e < i; e++) n +=[e]; return n / (i - r); } }, n = class { constructor() { this.objs = []; } get(e) { for (; e >= this.objs.length; ) this.objs.push(ke()); return this.objs[e]; } }, l = (() => { function e(e, t, a, r, i, n) { let l = Math.cos((1 + n) * Math.PI); return ( 0.5 * (((1 + n) * a + e) * (l + 1) + (-n * r + t) * (1 - l)) ); } function t(e, t, a, r, i, n) { return t + (t - e) * n; } function a(e, t) { return ( ((e, t) => ((e % t) + t) % t)(e - t + Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI ); } return (...i) => m.lag.newPrediction ? ((e = !1, t = O.rendergap) => { let i = !1 === e ? ce() - O.lastuplink : de() - e; t = Math.max(t, 1e3 / m.roomSpeed / 30); let n = r.noPredict ? 1 : i / t; return { predict: (e, t, a, r) => (n >= 1 ? t : e + (t - e) * n), predictExtrapolate: (e, t, a, r) => e + (t - e) * n, predictFacing: (e, t) => (n >= 1 ? t : e + a(t, e) * n), predictFacingExtrapolate: (e, t) => e + a(t, e) * n, getPrediction: () => n }; })(...i) : ((r = he.time, i = O.rendergap) => { let n = 0, l = 0, o = 0; return ( (n = Math.max(de() - r - 80, -i)), n > 150 && (n = 150), (l = n / i), (o = (30 * m.roomSpeed * n) / 1e3), { predict: (a, r, i, o) => n >= 0 ? t(a, r, 0, 0, 0, l) : e(a, r, i, o, 0, l), predictExtrapolate: (a, r, i, o) => n >= 0 ? t(a, r, 0, 0, 0, l) : e(a, r, i, o, 0, l), predictFacing: (e, t) => e + (1 + l) * a(t, e), predictFacingExtrapolate: (e, t) => e + (1 + l) * a(t, e), getPrediction: () => n } ); })(...i); })(), o = new a(ge.yellow), s = new a(, !0), d = new a(, c = new a(ge.teal), h = (() => { let e = []; for (let t = 0; t < 2 * m.gui.expectedMaxSkillLevel; t++) e.push( Math.log((4 * t) / m.gui.expectedMaxSkillLevel + 1) / Math.log(5) ); return t => e[t]; })(), u = { skillNames: [ ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke() ], skillKeys: [ ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke() ], skillValues: [ ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke() ], skillPoints: ke(), score: ke(), name: ke(), class: ke(), debug: [ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke()], lbtitle: ke(), leaderboard: [ ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke(), ke() ], upgradeNames: new n(), upgradeKeys: new n(), skipUpgrades: ke() }; let g = null; return a => { let n =; g = n; let b = 0; L++; let w, x, _ = Math.max(r.screenWidth, (16 * r.screenHeight) / 9) / (r.screenWidth <= 1280 ? 1280 : r.screenWidth >= 1920 ? 1920 : r.screenWidth); { let e = l(); b = e.getPrediction(); let t = e.predict(he.lastx,, he.lastvx, he.vx), r = e.predict(he.lasty,, he.lastvy, he.vy); (he.renderx = t), (he.rendery = r), (w = a * he.renderx), (x = a * he.rendery); } if ((ve(ge.white, 1), ve(ge.guiblack, 0.1), r.radial)), ae.translate(r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2), ae.rotate( Math.atan2(r.gameWidth / 2 -, r.gameHeight / 2 - ), ae.translate(r.screenWidth / -2, r.screenHeight / -2), (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.fillStyle = ge.white), ae.beginPath(), ae.arc( -w + r.screenWidth / 2 + (a * r.gameWidth) / 2, -x + r.screenHeight / 2 + (a * r.gameHeight) / 2, (a * r.gameWidth) / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI ), ae.fill(); else { (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.fillStyle = ge.white), ae.fillRect( -w + r.screenWidth / 2, -x + r.screenHeight / 2, a * r.gameWidth, a * r.gameHeight ); let e = H[0].length, t = H.length; for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) { let n = H[i]; for (let l = 0; l < e; l++) { let o = (a * l * r.gameWidth) / e - w + r.screenWidth / 2, s = (a * i * r.gameHeight) / t - x + r.screenHeight / 2, d = (a * (l + 1) * r.gameWidth) / e - w + r.screenWidth / 2, c = (a * (i + 1) * r.gameHeight) / t - x + r.screenHeight / 2; if ( !r.radial && (s >= r.screenHeight || d <= 0 || o >= r.screenWidth || c <= 0) ) continue; ae.globalAlpha = 0.3; let h = v(n[l]); h !== h.white && ((ae.fillStyle = h), ae.fillRect(o, s, d - o, c - s)); } } } if (m.graphical.renderGrid) { (ae.lineWidth = 1), (ae.strokeStyle = ge.guiblack), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.04), ae.beginPath(); let e = 30 * a; if (r.radial) { let t = 30 * Math.ceil( Math.sqrt( r.screenWidth * r.screenWidth + r.screenHeight * r.screenHeight ) / a / a / 60 ) * a; for ( let a = ((r.screenWidth / 2 - w) % e) - t; a < r.screenWidth + t; a += e ) ae.moveTo(a, -t), ae.lineTo(a, t + r.screenHeight); for ( let a = ((r.screenHeight / 2 - x) % e) - t; a < r.screenHeight + t; a += e ) ae.moveTo(-t, a), ae.lineTo(t + r.screenWidth, a); } else { for ( let t = (r.screenWidth / 2 - w) % e; t < r.screenWidth; t += e ) ae.moveTo(t, 0), ae.lineTo(t, r.screenHeight); for ( let t = (r.screenHeight / 2 - x) % e; t < r.screenHeight; t += e ) ae.moveTo(0, t), ae.lineTo(r.screenWidth, t); } ae.stroke(), (ae.globalAlpha = 1); } r.radial && ae.restore(); { let e, t; if (((he.x = he.y = null), r.radial)) {, ae.translate(r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2); let a = Math.atan2( r.gameWidth / 2 -, r.gameHeight / 2 - ); (e = Math.cos(a)), (t = Math.sin(a)), ae.rotate(a); } for (let e of S) if (e.render.draws) { if (1 === e.render.status.getFade()) { let t = l(); (e.render.x = t.predict( e.render.lastx, e.x, e.render.lastvx, e.vx )), (e.render.y = t.predict( e.render.lasty, e.y, e.render.lastvy, e.vy )), (e.render.f = t.predictFacing(e.render.lastf, e.facing)); } else { let t = l(e.render.lastRender, e.interval); (e.render.x = t.predictExtrapolate( e.render.lastx, e.x, e.render.lastvx, e.vx )), (e.render.y = t.predictExtrapolate( e.render.lasty, e.y, e.render.lastvy, e.vy )), (e.render.f = t.predictFacingExtrapolate( e.render.lastf, e.facing )); } if ( === W.playerid) { 0 == (1 & e.twiggle) && ((e.render.f = Math.atan2(,, r.radial && (e.render.f -= Math.atan2( r.gameWidth / 2 -, r.gameHeight / 2 - )), 2 & e.twiggle && (e.render.f += Math.PI)); let t = a * e.render.x - w, i = a * e.render.y - x; r.radial ? === W.playerid && ((he.x = t + r.screenWidth / 2), (he.y = i + r.screenHeight / 2)) : ((t += r.screenWidth / 2), (i += r.screenHeight / 2), === W.playerid && ((he.x = t), (he.y = i))); } } for (let e of S) { if (!e.render.draws) continue; let t = a * e.render.x - w, i = a * e.render.y - x; r.radial || ((t += r.screenWidth / 2), (i += r.screenHeight / 2)); let n = === W.playerid || r.showInvisible ? 1 : Math.max( 0, 8e3 / ((he.x - t) * (he.x - t) + (he.y - i) * (he.y - i) + 1e4) - 0.1 ), l = 0 === e.alpha ? 0.25 * n : e.alpha * (1 - 0.4 * n) + 0.4 * n; Fe( t, i, e, a, l, 0 === k[e.index].shape ? 1 : m.graphical.compensationScale, e.render.f, !1, !0 ); } if ((r.radial && ae.restore(), !m.graphical.screenshotMode)) for (let i of S) { let n = a * i.render.x - w, l = a * i.render.y - x; if (r.radial) { let a = e * l + t * n; (n = e * n - t * l + r.screenWidth / 2), (l = a + r.screenHeight / 2); } else (n += r.screenWidth / 2), (l += r.screenHeight / 2); Ce(n, l, i, a, === W.playerid ? 1 : i.alpha); } } if (r.hideGui) return; let F = (e, t) => { (r.screenWidth /= e), (r.screenHeight /= e), ae.scale(e, e), t || (_ *= e); }; F(_, !0); W.__s.update(); let C = B.get(), M = C.max; do { if (!r.showTree) break; let e = k.find(e => "Basic" ===; if (!e || !e.upgrades) break; let t = [], a = [], i = (e, r, n, { index: l, tier: o = 0 }) => { t.push({ x: e, y: r, colorIndex: n, index: l }); let { upgrades: s } = k[l]; switch (o) { case 3: return { width: 1, height: 1 }; case 2: return ( s.forEach((t, a) => i(e, r + 2 + a, a, t)), a.push([{ x: e, y: r }, { x: e, y: r + 1 + s.length }]), { width: 1, height: 2 + s.length } ); case 1: case 0: { let t = e, n =, l) => { let d = 2 * (n.tier - o), c = i(e, r + d, l, n); return ( a.push([ { x: e, y: r + (0 === l ? 0 : 1) }, { x: e, y: r + d } ]), l + 1 === s.length && a.push([{ x: t, y: r + 1 }, { x: e, y: r + 1 }]), (e += c.width), c ); }); return { width: => e.width).reduce((e, t) => e + t, 0), height: 2 + Math.max( => e.height)) }; } } }, n = i(0, 0, 0, { index: e.index }), l = Math.min( (0.9 * r.screenWidth) / n.width, (0.9 * r.screenHeight) / n.height ); (ae.globalAlpha = 0.5), (ae.fillStyle = ge.guiwhite), Ee(0, 0, r.screenWidth, r.screenHeight); let o = l - 4; (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.lineWidth = 2), ae.beginPath(); for (let [e, t] of a) { let a = r.screenWidth / 2 + (e.x - n.width / 2) * l + 1 + 0.5 * o, i = r.screenHeight / 2 + (e.y - n.height / 2) * l + 1 + 0.5 * o, s = r.screenWidth / 2 + (t.x - n.width / 2) * l + 1 + 0.5 * o, d = r.screenHeight / 2 + (t.y - n.height / 2) * l + 1 + 0.5 * o; ae.moveTo(Math.round(a) + 0.5, Math.round(i) + 0.5), ae.lineTo(Math.round(s) + 0.5, Math.round(d) + 0.5); } ae.stroke(); for (let { x: e, y: a, colorIndex: i, index: s } of t) { let t = r.screenWidth / 2 + (e - n.width / 2) * l + 2, d = r.screenHeight / 2 + (a - n.height / 2) * l + 2; (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.fillStyle = y(i + 10)), Ee(t, d, o, o), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.2), (ae.fillStyle = y(i)), Ee(t, d, o, 0.6 * o), (ae.fillStyle =, Ee(t, d + 0.6 * o, o, 0.4 * o), (ae.globalAlpha = 1); let c = -Math.PI / 4, h = E(s, W.color), u = k[s].position, p = (0.8 * o) / u.axis, g = t + 0.5 * o - p * u.middle.x * Math.cos(c), m = d + 0.5 * o - p * u.middle.x * Math.sin(c); Fe(g, m, h, 0.5, 1, (p / h.size) * 2, c, !0), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.lineWidth = 2), Ee(t, d, o, o, !0); } } while (0); if ( && "joysticks" === te.control) { let e = Math.min(0.6 * r.screenWidth, 0.12 * r.screenHeight); (ae.globalAlpha = 0.3), (ae.fillStyle = "#ffffff"), ae.beginPath(), ae.arc( (1 * r.screenWidth) / 6, (2 * r.screenHeight) / 3, e, 0, 2 * Math.PI ), ae.arc( (5 * r.screenWidth) / 6, (2 * r.screenHeight) / 3, e, 0, 2 * Math.PI ), ae.fill(); } && F(1.4); { let a = 8, i = 18, n = r.screenWidth / 2, l = 20; && (l += (r.canSkill ? ((200 / 3 + 20) / 1.4) * e.get() : 0) + (r.canUpgrade ? (120 / 1.4) * t.get() : 0)); for (let e = T.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) { let t = T[e], r = t.text; null == t.textobj && (t.textobj = ke()), null == t.len && (t.len = we(r, i - 4)), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.75 * t.alpha); if (r==="Thanks For Playing Maxtri!"){ drawsquarebar(n - t.len / 2, n + t.len / 2, l + i / 2, i-30+t.alpha * 60, f( ["#ff1000", "#ff9000", "#ffd300", "#00e00b", "#226ef6", "#a913cf"][ Math.floor(( / 200) % 6) ], ["#ff9000", "#ffd300", "#00e00b", "#226ef6", "#a913cf", "#ff1000"][ Math.floor(( / 200) % 6) ], ( / 200) % 1 )) }else if (r==="WARNING: Arena Closed: Guard Arena Closers are Spawning"){ drawsquarebar(n - t.len / 2, n + t.len / 2, l + i / 2, i, ge.yellow) arenacloser=true }else if (r==="The Server has Reset..."){ drawsquarebar(n - t.len / 2, n + t.len / 2, l + i / 2, i, arenacloser=true }else if (r==="Server overloaded! Restarting..."){ drawsquarebar(n - t.len / 2, n + t.len / 2, l + i / 2, i, }else { drawsquarebar(n - t.len / 2, n + t.len / 2, l + i / 2, i, } (ae.globalAlpha = Math.min(1, t.alpha)), t.textobj.draw( r, n, l + i / 2, t.alpha * 30, ge.guiwhite, "center", !0 ), (l += a + i), t.status > 1 && (l -= (a + i) * (1 - Math.sqrt(t.alpha))), t.status > 1 ? ((t.status -= 0.1), (t.alpha += 0.05)) : 0 === e && (T.length > 5 || - t.time > 1e4) && ((t.status -= 0.05), (t.alpha -= 0.05), t.alpha <= 0 && T.shift()); } ae.globalAlpha = 1; } if (( && F(1 / 1.4), ! { (r.canSkill = W.points > 0 && W.skills.some(e => e.amount < e.cap)), e.set(0 + (r.canSkill || r.died || r.statHover)), r.clickables.stat.hide(); let t = 4, a = 15, i = 35, n = 200, l = n, o = -20 - 2 * n + e.get() * (40 + 2 * n), s = r.screenHeight - 20 - a, d = 11, c = W.getStatNames(k[W.type].statnames || -1); W.skills.forEach(function(e) { d--; let p = c[d - 1], g = e.amount, f = ge[e.color], y = e.softcap, b = e.cap; if (y) { n = l; let e = m.gui.expectedMaxSkillLevel, c = y < b; if ( (y > e && (e = y), Se( o + a / 2, o - a / 2 + n * h(y), s + a / 2, a - 3 + m.graphical.barChunk, ), Se( o + a / 2, o + a / 2 + (n - i) * h(y), s + a / 2, a - 3, ge.grey ), Se( o + a / 2, o + a / 2 + (n - i) * h(g), s + a / 2, a - 3.5, f ), c) ) { (ae.lineWidth = 1), (ae.strokeStyle = ge.grey); for (let t = y + 1; t < e; t++) _e( o + (n - i) * h(t), s + 1.5, o + (n - i) * h(t), s - 3 + a ); } (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.lineWidth = 1); for (let e = 1; e < g + 1; e++) _e( o + (n - i) * h(e), s + 1.5, o + (n - i) * h(e), s - 3 + a ); n = l * h(e); let v = g === b ? f : !W.points || (y !== b && g === y) ? ge.grey : ge.guiwhite; u.skillNames[d - 1].draw( p, Math.round(o + n / 2) + 0.5, s + a / 2, a - 5, v, "center", !0 ), u.skillKeys[d - 1].draw( "[" + (d % 10) + "]", Math.round(o + n - 0.25 * a) - 1.5, s + a / 2, a - 5, v, "right", !0 ), v === ge.guiwhite && - 1, o * _, s * _, n * _, a * _), g && u.skillValues[d - 1].draw( v === f ? "MAX" : "+" + g, Math.round(o + n + 4) + 0.5, s + a / 2, a - 5, f, "left", !0 ), (s -= a + t); } }), 0, 0, s * _, 0.8 * n * _, 0.8 * (r.screenHeight - s) * _ ), W.points > 1 && u.skillPoints.draw( "x" + W.points, Math.round(o + n - 2) + 0.5, Math.round(s + a - 4) + 0.5, 20, ge.guiwhite, "right" ); } { let e = 4, t = 400, a = 20, n = (r.screenWidth - t) / 2, l = r.screenHeight - 22 - a; if (!p && ! && r.died) { let e = document.getElementById("respawn-banner"); e && e.clientHeight > 0 && (l -= (e.clientHeight + 16) / _ + 4); } (ae.lineWidth = 1), Se(n, n + t, l + a / 2, a - 1 + m.graphical.barChunk,, Se(n, n + t, l + a / 2, a - 4,, Se(n, n + t * W.__s.getProgress(), l + a / 2, a - 2.5,, u.class.draw( "Lvl " + W.__s.getLevel() + " " + k[W.type].name, n + t / 2, l + a / 2, a - 4, ge.guiwhite, "center", !0 ), (a = 14), (l -= a + e), Se( n + 0.1 * t, n + 0.9 * t, l + a / 2, a - 3 + m.graphical.barChunk, ), Se(n + 0.1 * t, n + 0.9 * t, l + a / 2, a - 3,, Se(n + 0.1 * t, n + t * (0.1 + 0.8 * (M ? Math.min(1, W.__s.getScore() / M) : 1)), l + a / 2, a - 3.5, ), u.score.draw( "Score: " + i.formatLargeNumber(W.__s.getScore()), n + t / 2, l + a / 2, a, ge.guiwhite, "center", !0 ), (ae.lineWidth = 4),, Math.round(n + t / 2) + 0.5, Math.round(l - 10 - e) + 0.5, 40, ge.guiwhite, "center" ); } && F(0.8); { let a = (200 * r.gameWidth * 2) / (r.gameWidth + r.gameHeight), i = (200 * r.gameHeight * 2) / (r.gameWidth + r.gameHeight), n = r.screenWidth - 20, l = r.screenHeight - 20, h = (e, t, a, i, n) => { if (!r.radial) { let r = H[0].length, n = H.length, l = a / r, o = i / n; for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) { let i = H[a]; for (let n = 0; n < r; n++) (ae.globalAlpha = 0.6), (ae.fillStyle = v(i[n])), Ee(e + n * l, t + a * o, l, o); } } (ae.globalAlpha = 0.3), (ae.fillStyle = f(ge.grey, ge.vlgrey)), r.radial ? Ee(e + a / 2, t + i / 2, a / 2) : Ee(e, t, a, i); for (let i of A.get()) (ae.fillStyle = f(y(i.color),, 0.3)), (ae.globalAlpha = i.alpha), 2 === i.type ? Ee( e + ((i.x - i.size) / r.gameWidth) * a - 0.4, t + ((i.y - i.size) / r.gameWidth) * a - 1, ((2 * i.size) / r.gameWidth) * a + 0.2, ((2 * i.size) / r.gameWidth) * a + 0.2 ) : 1 === i.type ? xe( e + (i.x / r.gameWidth) * a, t + (i.y / r.gameWidth) * a, (i.size / r.gameWidth) * a + 0.2 ) : !== W.playerid && xe( e + (i.x / r.gameWidth) * a, t + (i.y / r.gameWidth) * a, n ); (ae.fillStyle =, (ae.globalAlpha = 1), xe( e + ( / r.gameWidth) * a, t + ( / r.gameWidth) * a, n ), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.lineWidth = 3), r.radial ? xe(e + a / 2, t + i / 2, a / 2, !0) : roundRect(e, t, a, i, !0); }; if ( { (n -= a), h( 20, 20 + ((r.canSkill ? (200 / 3 + 20 + 20) * e.get() : 0) + (r.canUpgrade ? 140 * t.get() : 0)), a, i, 4 ); } else (n -= a), (l -= i), h(n, l, a, i, 2); let p = l - 10, g = O.latency.reduce((e, t) => e + t, 0) / O.latency.length, w = Math.sqrt(he.vx * he.vx + he.vy * he.vy); if ( (r.showDebug && (Ee(n, l - 40, a, 30), o.addValue(b), o.draw(n, l - 40, a, 30), s.addValue(w), s.draw(n, l - 40, a, 30), c.addValue(O.rendergap), c.draw(n, l - 40, a, 30), d.addValue(g), d.draw(n, l - 40, a, 30), (p -= 40)), m.graphical.screenshotMode) ) u.debug[6].draw( "Maxtri", n + a, p - 2, 15, ge.lgreen, "right" ); else { if (r.showDebug) { u.debug[6].draw( "Maxtri", n + a, p - 84 - 2, 15, ge.lgreen, "right" ); let e = s.getPeriodicAverage(); u.debug[5].draw( "Tank Speed: " + w.toFixed(2) + " gu/s" + (e && e >= 0.005 ? ` (${e.toFixed(2)} gu/s)` : ""), n + a, p - 70, 10, ge.guiwhite, "right" ), u.debug[4].draw( "Prediction: " + b.toFixed(3), n + a, p - 56, 10, ge.guiwhite, "right" ), u.debug[3].draw( "Update Rate: " + O.updatetime + "Hz", n + a, p - 42, 10, ge.guiwhite, "right" ); } else u.debug[6].draw( "Maxtri", n + a, p - 42 - 2, 15, ge.lgreen, "right" ); u.debug[2].draw( "Client Speed: " + O.rendertime + " FPS", n + a, p - 28, 10, O.rendertime > 10 ? ge.guiwhite :, "right" ), u.debug[1].draw( "Server Speed: " + (100 * W.fps).toFixed(2) + "%", n + a, p - 14, 10, 1 === W.fps ? ge.guiwhite :, "right" ), u.debug[0].draw( g.toFixed(1) + " ms " + r.server.code + " :" + r.server.type + ":", n + a, p, 10, ge.guiwhite, "right" ); } } if ( ( && F(1.25), && F(1.4), !m.graphical.screenshotMode) ) { let a = 12, n = 200, l = 14, o = r.screenWidth - n - 20, s = 20 + l + 14; && (s += (r.canSkill ? (200 / 3 / 1.4) * e.get() : 0) + (r.canUpgrade && 40 + 114 * W.upgrades.length > 1.4 * o ? (100 / 1.4) * t.get() : 0)), > 0 && u.lbtitle.draw( "Scoreboard", Math.round(o + n / 2) + 0.5, Math.round(s - 10) + 0.5, l + 9, ge.guiwhite, "center" ); for (let e = 0; e < && (! || e < 6); e++) { let t =[e]; Se(o, o + n, s + l / 2, l + 2 + m.graphical.barChunk,, Se(o, o + n, s + l / 2, l + 2,, Se( o, o + n * Math.min(1, t.score / M), s + l / 2, l - 0, t.barColor ); if (t.label.startsWith("dev_")){ var name=t.label.slice(4) u.leaderboard[e].draw( name + " - " + i.handleLargeNumber(Math.round(t.score)), o + n / 2, s + l / 2, l -0, "#00ffff", "center", !0 ); }else if (t.label.startsWith("bet_")){ var name=t.label.slice(4) u.leaderboard[e].draw( name + " - " + i.handleLargeNumber(Math.round(t.score)), o + n / 2, s + l / 2, l -0, ge.yellow, "center", !0 ); }else if (t.label.startsWith("[AI]")){ var name=t.label u.leaderboard[e].draw( name + " - " + i.handleLargeNumber(Math.round(t.score)), o + n / 2, s + l / 2, l -0, "#bdcfff", "center", !0 ); }else{ u.leaderboard[e].draw( t.label + " - " + i.handleLargeNumber(Math.round(t.score)), o + n / 2, s + l / 2, l -0, ge.guiwhite, "center", !0 ); } let r = l / t.position.axis, d = o - 1.5 * l - r * t.position.middle.x * 0.707, c = s + 0.5 * l + r * t.position.middle.x * 0.707; Fe( d, c, t.image, 1 / r, 1, (r * r) / t.image.size, -Math.PI / 4, !0 ), (s += a + l); } } && F(1 / 1.4); { (r.canUpgrade = W.upgrades.length > 0 && !( && r.died)), t.set(+r.canUpgrade); let e = t.get(); if ((r.clickables.upgrade.hide(), r.canUpgrade)) { let t = 14, a = 100, i = 100, n = 2 * e * 20 - 20, l = 20, o = n, s = 0, d = l; D += 0.01; let select = 0; let c = 0; W.upgrades.forEach(h => { l > d && (d = l), (s = n),, n * _, l * _, a * _, i * _); let p = y((c % 9) + 37), g = y(c % 9); if (c >= 9) { let e = (c + Math.floor(c / 9)) % 9; (p = f(p, y(e + 10))), (g = f(g, y(e))); } (ae.globalAlpha = 0.5), (ae.fillStyle = y((c % 200) + 37)), Ee(n, l, a, i), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.1), (ae.fillStyle =y((c % 200) + 37)), Ee(n, l, a, 0.6 * i), (ae.fillStyle =, Ee(n, l + 0.6 * i, a, 0.4 * i), (ae.globalAlpha = 1); let m = E(h, W.color), b = k[h].position, v = (0.6 * a) / b.axis, w = n + 0.5 * a - v * b.middle.x * Math.cos(D), x = l + 0.5 * i - v * b.middle.x * Math.sin(D); Fe(w, x, m, 1, 1, v / m.size, D, !0); let S = (["KEY_CHOOSE_" + (c + 1)] || "") .toLowerCase() .trim(); ! && S ? (u.upgradeNames .get(c) .draw(, n + (0.9 * a) / 2, l + i - 6, i / 8 - 3, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), u.upgradeKeys .get(c) .draw( "", n + a - 4, l + i - 6, i / 8 - 3, ge.guiwhite, "right" )) : u.upgradeNames .get(c) .draw(, n + a / 2, l + i - 6, i / 8 - 3, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.lineWidth = 3), roundRect(n, l, a, i, !0), c++, c % 7 != 0 || ? (n += e * (a + t)) : ((n = o), (l += i + t)); }); let h = 14, p = "Don't Upgrade", g = we(p, h - 3) + 10, b = (s + a + t + o - 15) / 2, v = d + i + t; Se( b - g / 2, b + g / 2, v + h / 2, h + m.graphical.barChunk, ), Se(b - g / 2, b + g / 2, v + h / 2, h, ge.white), u.skipUpgrades.draw( p, b, v + h / 2, h - 2, ge.guiwhite, "center", !0 ), 0, (b - g / 2) * _, v * _, g * _, h * _ ); } else r.clickables.upgrade.hide(), r.clickables.skipUpgrades.hide(); } if ( { (r.canSkill = W.points > 0 && W.skills.some(e => e.amount < e.cap) && !r.canUpgrade), e.set(0 + (r.canSkill || r.died)); let t = e.get(); r.clickables.stat.hide(); let a = 14, i = 100, n = 200 / 3, l = 2 * t * 20 - 20, o = 20, s = 0, d = W.getStatNames(k[W.type].statnames || -1); r.canSkill && (W.skills.forEach((e, c) => { let h = e.softcap; if (h <= 0) return; let p = e.amount, g = ge[e.color], m = e.cap, f = d[9 - c].split(/\s+/), y = Math.floor(f.length / 2), [b, v] = 1 === f.length ? [f, null] : [f.slice(0, y), f.slice(y)]; (ae.globalAlpha = 0.5), (ae.fillStyle = g), Ee(l, o, i, (2 * n) / 3), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.1), (ae.fillStyle =, Ee( l, o + (((2 * n) / 3) * 2) / 3, i, (((2 * n) / 3) * 1) / 3 ), (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.fillStyle = ge.guiwhite), Ee(l, o + (2 * n) / 3, i, (1 * n) / 3), (ae.fillStyle = g), Ee(l, o + (2 * n) / 3, (i * p) / h, (1 * n) / 3), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.lineWidth = 1); for (let e = 1; e < m; e++) { let t = l + i * (e / h); _e(t, o + (2 * n) / 3, t, o + n); } p === m || !W.points || (h !== m && p === h) || - c, l * _, o * _, i * _, n * _), v ? (u.skillNames[c].draw( v, l + i / 2, o + 0.55 * n, n / 6, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), u.skillNames[c].draw( b, l + i / 2, o + 0.3 * n, n / 6, ge.guiwhite, "center" )) : u.skillNames[c].draw( b, l + i / 2, o + 0.425 * n, n / 6, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), p > 0 && u.skillValues[c].draw( p >= h ? "MAX" : "+" + p, Math.round(l + i / 2) + 0.5, o + 1.3 * n, n / 4, g, "center" ), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.lineWidth = 3), _e(l, o + (2 * n) / 3, l + i, o + (2 * n) / 3), Ee(l, o, i, n, !0), (l += t * (i + a)), s++; }), W.points > 1 && u.skillPoints.draw( "x" + W.points, Math.round(l) + 0.5, Math.round(o + 20) + 0.5, 20, ge.guiwhite, "left" )); } F(1 / _, !0); }; })(), Ae = (() => { let e = { taunt: ke(), level: ke(), score: ke(), time: ke(), kills: ke(), death: ke(), playagain: ke() }; return () => { ve(, 0.25); let t = r.screenWidth / 2, a = r.screenHeight / 2 - 50, n = E(W.type, W.color), l = k[W.type].position, o = 140 / l.axis, s = r.screenWidth / 2 - o * l.middle.x * 0.707, d = r.screenHeight / 2 - 35 + o * l.middle.x * 0.707; if (!p && ! { let e = Math.max(r.screenWidth, (16 * r.screenHeight) / 9) / (r.screenWidth <= 1280 ? 1280 : r.screenWidth >= 1920 ? 1920 : r.screenWidth), t = r.screenHeight - 240 * e, i = document.getElementById("respawn-banner"); i && i.clientHeight > 0 && (t -= i.clientHeight + 16 + 4 * e); let n = 0; t < a && (n = t - a), (a += n), (d += n); } Fe( s - 190 - 70, d - 10, n, 1.5, 1, (0.5 * o) / n.realSize, -Math.PI / 4, !0 ), e.taunt.draw("lol you died", t, a - 80, 8, ge.guiwhite, "center"), e.level.draw( "Level " + W.__s.getLevel() + " " + k[W.type].name, t - 170, a - 30, 24, ge.guiwhite ), e.score.draw( "Final score: " + i.formatLargeNumber(Math.round(r.finalScore.get())), t - 170, a + 25, 50, ge.guiwhite ), e.time.draw( "โŒš Survived for " + i.timeForHumans(Math.round(r.finalLifetime.get())), t - 170, a + 55, 16, ge.guiwhite ), e.kills.draw( (() => { let e = [ Math.round(r.finalKills[0].get()), Math.round(r.finalKills[1].get()), Math.round(r.finalKills[2].get()) ], t = e[0] + 0.5 * e[1] + 3 * e[2], a = (0 === t ? "๐ŸŒผ" : t < 4 ? "๐ŸŽฏ" : t < 8 ? "๐Ÿ’ฅ" : t < 15 ? "๐Ÿ’ข" : t < 25 ? "๐Ÿ”ฅ" : t < 50 ? "๐Ÿ’ฃ" : t < 75 ? "๐Ÿ‘บ" : t < 100 ? "๐ŸŒถ๏ธ" : "๐Ÿ’ฏ") + " "; if (0 === t) return a + "A true pacifist"; let i = []; return ( e[0] && i.push(e[0] + " kills"), e[1] && i.push(e[1] + " assists"), e[2] && i.push(e[2] + " visitors defeated"), a + i.join(" and ") ); })(), t - 170, a + 77, 16, ge.guiwhite ), e.death.draw( r.finalKillers.length ? "๐Ÿ”ช Succumbed to " + r.finalKillers .map(e => i.addArticle(k[e].name)) .join(" and ") : "๐Ÿคท Well that was kinda dumb huh", t - 170, a + 99, 16, ge.guiwhite ); let c = Math.ceil((r.respawnOn - / 1e3); e.playagain.draw( c > 0 ? `You may respawn in ${c} second${1 === c ? "" : "s"}` : "joysticks" === te.control ? "Tap to respawn!" : "Press enter to respawn!", t, a + 125, 16, ge.guiwhite, "center" ); }; })(); (window.onbeforeunload = () => !(!r.isInGame || r.died) || null), (window.$createProfile = (() => { let e = { upgradeName: ke(), upgradeKey: ke() }; return (t, a = -1, r = 200, i = -Math.PI / 4) => { let n = ae.canvas.width, l = ae.canvas.height, o = (ae.canvas.width = r), s = (ae.canvas.height = r); -1 === a ? ae.clearRect(0, 0, o, s) : ((ae.fillStyle = ge.white), ae.fillRect(0, 0, o, s), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.5), (ae.fillStyle = y(a + 1)), Ee(0, 0, o, s), (ae.globalAlpha = 0.1), (ae.fillStyle = y(a)), Ee(0, 0, o, 0.6 * s), (ae.fillStyle =, Ee(0, 0.6 * s, o, 0.4 * s), (ae.globalAlpha = 1)); let d = E(t, W.color), c = k[t].position, h = (0.6 * o) / c.axis, u = 0.5 * o - h * c.middle.x * Math.cos(i), p = 0.5 * s - h * c.middle.x * Math.sin(i); Fe(u, p, d, 1, 1, h / d.size, i, !0), -1 !== a && (e.upgradeName.draw(, (0.9 * o) / 2, s - 6, s / 8 - 3, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), (ae.strokeStyle =, (ae.globalAlpha = 1), (ae.lineWidth = 3), Ee(0, 0, o, s, !0)); let g = ae.canvas.toDataURL(); return (ae.canvas.width = n), (ae.canvas.height = l), g; }; })()); const Be = (() => { let e = { connecting: ke(), message: ke(), tip: ke() }, t = [ [ "The bots are kind of op. but they are nub. is it easy to kill them or die to them?" ], ["thanks maxim yt for helping with a big part of the server!"], ["well, uhh.. uwu."], ["Are You Bored? Same Here."], ["This thing will be better than 8964-arras!"], [ "This isnt a copy of 8964 arras, its juts a second version by the owner." ], ["8964 arras is outdated asf"], ["The Developer is Too Lazy To Make Updates."], ["Thank you for playing Maxtri!"], ["You Can Play On mobile by just Going to!"], ["Windows8964 is lazy as heck."], [ "Begging for beta tester can make people hate you and get you banned." ], ["Imagine Begging For Beta tester lmfao"], ["when you"], [ "YHIVDSUHHVFENUIVFEHYUVHUEFYH8VFEHIHVTEU9HUH8UH8F9UYR3G87YV3R7HIH78VR3I7VERUYBVR37HFEVHVREH7VRE78RVE8IYEVFIBYFRUH94TV8H7HVR47997VEFJU9V9BFUE9HUVER98HVR3H78RV3HU98GUR39HURV38GUVREGY8H78RE8GYFR34" ], ["yeet"] ], a = t[Math.floor(Math.random() * t.length)], i = a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; var come_animation=500 var textopacityanim=0 return () => { ve(ge.white, 1), come_animation=come_animation * 0.95 textopacityanim=textopacityanim+0.02 e.connecting.draw( "Connecting...", r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2 + come_animation, 30, ge.guiwhite, "center" ), e.message.draw( r.message, r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2 + 30 + come_animation, 15, ge.lgreen, "center" ), e.message.draw( i, r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2 + 75 + come_animation, 15, ge.guiwhite, "center" ); }; })(), De = (() => { let e = { disconnected: ke(), message: ke() }; var come_animation=500 var dtext = [ ["xd you disconnected"], ["bruh"], ["You Are Disconnected From 8964-arras. freGsugsรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลพรƒโ€šร‚ยฑnuayh8d"], ["oh heck bomba abused his bt powers!"], ["ohno"], ["R.I.P Your Score. Did you even get into the server?"], ["omg oh no servers are ded"], [ "wtf? how the hecc did you even get disconnected from this good server?" ], ["Im bored so i disconnected you. jk"], ["i can hear you scream hehe"] ]; let dmes = dtext[Math.floor(Math.random() * dtext.length)]; return () => { come_animation=come_animation * 0.5 if (arenacloser===true){ ve(f(,, 0.3), 0.25), e.disconnected.draw( "๐Ÿ’€ Arena Closed ๐Ÿ’€", r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2, 30+come_animation , ge.guiwhite, "center" ); e.message.draw( "The Arena Has Closed. Please Wait Until The Server Restarts.", r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2 + 30, 15+come_animation ,, "center" ); }else{ ve(f(, ge.guiblack, 0.3), 0.75), e.disconnected.draw( "๐Ÿ’€ " + dmes+ " ๐Ÿ’€", r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2, 30+come_animation , ge.guiwhite, "center" ); e.message.draw( r.message, r.screenWidth / 2, r.screenHeight / 2 + 30, 15+come_animation ,, "center" ); } }; })(); function Te() { (r.animLoopHandle = requestAnimationFrame(Te)), (he.renderv += (he.view - he.renderv) / 30), (ae.lineCap = "round"), (ae.lineJoin = "round"), r.gameStart && !r.disconnected && ((r.time = de()), r.time - K > 1e3 && ((K = r.time), (O.rendertime = L), (L = 0), (O.updatetime = R), (R = 0)), (O.lag = r.time - he.time)), r.gameStart && k.length > 0 ? Me(Y()) : r.disconnected || Be(), r.died && Ae(), r.disconnected && De(), (r.died || r.disconnected) && l.drawCanvas(ae); } let Oe = ? 0 : Math.max( 0, 1 - Math.abs( - new Date(2019, 11, 25)) / 20736e5 ); if (Oe) { let e = document.createElement("canvas"); ( = "absolute"), ( = "0"), document.body.insertBefore(e, document.body.firstChild); let t = e.getContext("2d"), a = [], i = () => { e.width !== window.innerWidth && (e.width = window.innerWidth), e.height !== window.innerHeight && (e.height = window.innerHeight), t.clearRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height), (t.fillStyle = "#ffffff"); for (let r of a) { (r.x += 5 / r.r + Math.random()), (r.y += 12.5 / r.r + Math.random()); let a = 2 * Math.min(0.4, 0.9 - r.y / e.height); a > 0 ? ((t.globalAlpha = a), t.beginPath(), t.arc(r.x, r.y, r.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI), t.fill()) : (r.gone = !0); } if (0.001 * e.width * Oe > Math.random()) { let t = e.width * (1.5 * Math.random() - 0.5), r = 2 + Math.random() * Math.random() * 4; a.push({ x: t, y: -50 - 100 * Math.random(), r: r }); } r.gameStart ? e.remove() : requestAnimationFrame(i); }; setInterval(() => { a = a.filter(e => !e.gone); }, 2e3), i(); } let Ke = new Date(), Le = "en-US" === navigator.language && r.timezone >= -7 && r.timezone <= -4, Re = 6 === Ke.getMonth() && 4 === Ke.getDate(), He = (11 === Ke.getMonth() && 31 === Ke.getDate()) || (0 === Ke.getMonth() && Ke.getDate() <= 3); if (! && ((Re && Le) || He)) { let e = document.createElement("canvas"); ( = "absolute"), ( = "0"), document.body.insertBefore(e, document.body.firstChild); let t = e.getContext("2d"), a = [ [164, 14, 14], [230, 80, 0], [230, 119, 0], [47, 127, 51], [23, 78, 166], [123, 31, 163] ], i = () => a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)], n = [], l = () => { (e.width === window.innerWidth && e.height === window.innerHeight) || ((e.width = window.innerWidth), (e.height = window.innerHeight), (n.length = 0), t.clearRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height), (t.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.01)"), t.fillRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height), (t.lineWidth = 2.5), (t.lineCap = "round")), (t.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"), (t.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)"), t.fillRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height), (t.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"); for (let e of n) { let a = e.x, r = e.y; (e.vy += 0.2), (e.x += e.vx), (e.y += e.vy), (e.vy *= 0.99), (e.vx *= 0.99), e.time--; let l = e.time > 0 ? (e.primary || e.time >= 10 ? 1 : e.time / 10) : 0; if (l > 0) (t.strokeStyle = `rgba(${e.color[0]}, ${e.color[1]}, ${ e.color[2] }, ${l})`), t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(a, r), t.lineTo(e.x, e.y), t.stroke(); else { if (e.primary && !e.gone) { let t = Math.floor(5 * Math.random()) + 30, a = 0.5 * Math.random() + 3, r = 25 + 5 * Math.random(); for (let l of [i(), i()]) for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) { let o = ((i + Math.random()) / t) * Math.PI * 2, s = a + 0.5 * Math.random(), d = Math.cos(o) * s, c = Math.sin(o) * s - 0.8, h = r + 2 * Math.random(); n.push({ color: l, x: e.x, y: e.y, vx: d, vy: c, time: h }); } } e.gone = !0; } } if (3e-5 * e.width > Math.random()) { let t = e.width * Math.random(), a = e.height - 10, r = 4 * Math.random() - 2, l = 5 * Math.random() - 15, o = 30 + 10 * Math.random(); n.push({ color: i(), x: t, y: a, vx: r, vy: l, time: o, primary: !0 }); } r.gameStart ? e.remove() : requestAnimationFrame(l); }; setInterval(() => { n = n.filter(e => !e.gone); }, 2e3), l(); } }, function(e, t) { let a = window.localStorage || {}; (t.submitToLocalStorage = e => { let t = document.getElementById(e); return ( "text" === t.type || "select-one" === t.type ? 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"" : ", ") + e + " " + t + (e > 1 ? "s" : "")); } return e > 300 ? "FOREVER" : (n(e, "day"), n(r, "hour"), n(a, "minute"), n(t, "second"), "" === i && (i = "less than a second"), i); }), (t.addArticle = e => (/^\s*[aeiouAEIOU]/.test(e) ? "an " + e : "a " + e)), (t.formatLargeNumber = e => e < 1e18 ? e.toFixed(0).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") : "โˆž"); }, function(e, t) { !(function(e) { var a = function(t) { (this._options = { checkOnLoad: !1, resetOnEnd: !1, loopCheckTime: 50, loopMaxNumber: 5, baitClass: "pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links", baitStyle: "width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important;", debug: !1 }), (this._var = { version: "3.2.1", bait: null, checking: !1, loop: null, loopNumber: 0, event: { detected: [], notDetected: [] } }), void 0 !== t && this.setOption(t); var a = this, r = function() { setTimeout(function() { !0 === a._options.checkOnLoad && (!0 === a._options.debug && a._log( "onload->eventCallback", "A check loading is launched" ), null === a._var.bait && a._creatBait(), setTimeout(function() { a.check(); }, 1)); }, 1); }; void 0 !== e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener("load", r, !1) : e.attachEvent("onload", r); }; (a.prototype._options = null), (a.prototype._var = null), (a.prototype._bait = null), (a.prototype._log = function(e, t) { console.log("[BlockAdBlock][" + e + "] " + t); }), (a.prototype.setOption = function(e, t) { if (void 0 !== t) { var a = e; (e = {})[a] = t; } for (var r in e) (this._options[r] = e[r]), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "setOption", 'The option "' + r + '" he was assigned to "' + e[r] + '"' ); return this; }), (a.prototype._creatBait = function() { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.setAttribute("class", this._options.baitClass), t.setAttribute("style", this._options.baitStyle), (this._var.bait = e.document.body.appendChild(t)), this._var.bait.offsetParent, this._var.bait.offsetHeight, this._var.bait.offsetLeft, this._var.bait.offsetTop, this._var.bait.offsetWidth, this._var.bait.clientHeight, this._var.bait.clientWidth, !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("_creatBait", "Bait has been created"); }), (a.prototype._destroyBait = function() { e.document.body.removeChild(this._var.bait), (this._var.bait = null), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("_destroyBait", "Bait has been removed"); }), (a.prototype.check = function(e) { if ( (void 0 === e && (e = !0), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "check", "An audit was requested " + (!0 === e ? "with a" : "without") + " loop" ), !0 === this._var.checking) ) return ( !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "check", "A check was canceled because there is already an ongoing" ), !1 ); (this._var.checking = !0), null === this._var.bait && this._creatBait(); var t = this; return ( (this._var.loopNumber = 0), !0 === e && (this._var.loop = setInterval(function() { t._checkBait(e); }, this._options.loopCheckTime)), setTimeout(function() { t._checkBait(e); }, 1), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("check", "A check is in progress ..."), !0 ); }), (a.prototype._checkBait = function(t) { var a = !1; if ( (null === this._var.bait && this._creatBait(), (null === e.document.body.getAttribute("abp") && null !== this._var.bait.offsetParent && 0 != this._var.bait.offsetHeight && 0 != this._var.bait.offsetLeft && 0 != this._var.bait.offsetTop && 0 != this._var.bait.offsetWidth && 0 != this._var.bait.clientHeight && 0 != this._var.bait.clientWidth) || (a = !0), void 0 !== e.getComputedStyle) ) { var r = e.getComputedStyle(this._var.bait, null); !r || ("none" != r.getPropertyValue("display") && "hidden" != r.getPropertyValue("visibility")) || (a = !0); } !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "_checkBait", "A check (" + (this._var.loopNumber + 1) + "/" + this._options.loopMaxNumber + " ~" + (1 + this._var.loopNumber * this._options.loopCheckTime) + "ms) was conducted and detection is " + (!0 === a ? "positive" : "negative") ), !0 === t && (this._var.loopNumber++, this._var.loopNumber >= this._options.loopMaxNumber && this._stopLoop()), !0 === a ? (this._stopLoop(), this._destroyBait(), this.emitEvent(!0), !0 === t && (this._var.checking = !1)) : (null !== this._var.loop && !1 !== t) || (this._destroyBait(), this.emitEvent(!1), !0 === t && (this._var.checking = !1)); }), (a.prototype._stopLoop = function(e) { clearInterval(this._var.loop), (this._var.loop = null), (this._var.loopNumber = 0), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("_stopLoop", "A loop has been stopped"); }), (a.prototype.emitEvent = function(e) { !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "emitEvent", "An event with a " + (!0 === e ? "positive" : "negative") + " detection was called" ); var t = this._var.event[!0 === e ? "detected" : "notDetected"]; for (var a in t) !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "emitEvent", "Call function " + (parseInt(a) + 1) + "/" + t.length ), t.hasOwnProperty(a) && t[a](); return !0 === this._options.resetOnEnd && this.clearEvent(), this; }), (a.prototype.clearEvent = function() { (this._var.event.detected = []), (this._var.event.notDetected = []), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log("clearEvent", "The event list has been cleared"); }), (a.prototype.on = function(e, t) { return ( this._var.event[!0 === e ? "detected" : "notDetected"].push(t), !0 === this._options.debug && this._log( "on", 'A type of event "' + (!0 === e ? "detected" : "notDetected") + '" was added' ), this ); }), (a.prototype.onDetected = function(e) { return this.on(!0, e); }), (a.prototype.onNotDetected = function(e) { return this.on(!1, e); }), (a.prototype.onEither = function(e) { return ( this.on(!0, function() { e(!0); }), this.on(!1, function() { e(!1); }), this ); }), (t.BlockAdBlock = a), (t.blockAdBlock = new a({ checkOnLoad: !0, resetOnEnd: !0 })); })(window); }, function(e, t, a) { let r = a(0), i = a(1); e.exports = class { constructor() { ( = { x: 0, y: 0 }), (this.socket = null), (this.statMaxing = !1), (this.cheating = !1); let e = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); (e.width = r.screenWidth), (e.height = r.screenHeight), ( = e); } init(e, t) { (this.control = e), (this.socket = t); let a =; "joysticks" === e ? ((this.controlTouch = null), (this.movementTouch = null), (this.movementTop = !1), (this.movementBottom = !1), (this.movementLeft = !1), (this.movementRight = !1), a.addEventListener("touchstart", e => this.touchStart(e), !1), a.addEventListener("touchmove", e => this.touchMove(e), !1), a.addEventListener("touchend", e => this.touchEnd(e), !1), a.addEventListener("touchcancel", e => this.touchEnd(e), !1)) : (a.addEventListener("mousedown", e => this.mouseDown(e), !1), a.addEventListener("mousemove", e => this.mouseMove(e), !1), a.addEventListener("mouseup", e => this.mouseUp(e), !1)), a.addEventListener("keydown", e => this.keyboardDown(e), !1), a.addEventListener("keyup", e => this.keyboardUp(e), !1), this.autoUpgrade(); } autoUpgrade() { if (!r.autoLevel) return; let e = 60, t = setInterval(() => {"L"), --e <= 0 && clearInterval(t); }, 100); } emit(e) {; } talk(e, t) {, t); } spawn() { this.socket.spawn(), i.reset(), this.autoUpgrade(); } set(e, t) { this.socket.cmd.set(e, t); } setPosition(e, t) { ( = e), ( = t), this.socket.cmd.setPosition(e, t); } keyboardDown(e) { if (this.cheating)"0", e.keyCode); else { switch (e.keyCode) { case r.KEY_SPAWN: r.died && (r.respawnOn <= || e.shiftKey) && this.spawn(); break; // ======================================================================== // Chat System // ======================================================================== // Key "I". Web browser prompt. Freezes the game. case 73: if (!r.died && !r.isChatMode) { let chatMessage = prompt("Chat message:"); if (chatMessage) { let maxLen = 100; let trimmedMessage = chatMessage.length > maxLen ? chatMessage.substring(0, maxLen - 3) + "..." : chatMessage.substring(0, maxLen);'h', chatMessage, 1); } } break; // Key "H". Text input for in-game chat. Does not freeze the game. case 72: if (!r.died) { if (r.isChatMode === false) { // Chat input textbox. let chatInput = document.createElement('input'); = 'chatInput'; chatInput.tabindex = 4; = 'bold 18px Ubuntu'; chatInput.maxlength = '100'; chatInput.placeholder = 'Press Enter To Send. Esc To Cancel.'; // Chat input wrapper div. let chatInputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '720px'; = '50%'; = '100px'; = 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; = '0 auto'; = 'hidden'; chatInputWrapper.appendChild(chatInput); document.body.appendChild(chatInputWrapper); // Sending chat. chatInput.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) { // ============================================================ // Check again if the player died, otherwise, it hangs the client. // There will be an error saying that "color is undefined" in app.js file. // ============================================================ if (r.died) {'s', r.playerName, 0); r.died = false; } else { let chatMessage = chatInput.value; if (chatMessage) { let maxLen = 100; let trimmedMessage = chatMessage.length > maxLen ? chatMessage.substring(0, maxLen - 3) + "..." : chatMessage.substring(0, maxLen);'h', trimmedMessage, 1); chatInputWrapper.removeChild(chatInput); document.body.removeChild(chatInputWrapper); let gameCanvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas'); gameCanvas.focus(); r.isChatMode = false; } } } }); // Cancelling chat. chatInput.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'Esc' || event.keyCode === 27) { chatInputWrapper.removeChild(chatInput); document.body.removeChild(chatInputWrapper); let gameCanvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas'); gameCanvas.focus(); r.isChatMode = false; } }); r.isChatMode = true; // To remove initial "i" letter. setTimeout(() => { chatInput.value = ''; = 'visible'; chatInput.focus(); }, 10); } else { // Already in chat mode, focus the chat input textbox. let existingChatInput = document.getElementById('chatInput'); if (existingChatInput) { // Remove 'h' from the input. let oldValue = existingChatInput.value; existingChatInput.value = ''; existingChatInput.focus(); existingChatInput.value = oldValue; } } } break; // =========================================== case r.KEY_UP_ARROW: case r.KEY_UP: this.set(0, !0); break; case r.KEY_DOWN_ARROW: case r.KEY_DOWN: this.set(1, !0); break; case r.KEY_LEFT_ARROW: case r.KEY_LEFT: this.set(2, !0); break; case r.KEY_RIGHT_ARROW: case r.KEY_RIGHT: this.set(3, !0); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_0: this.set(4, !0); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_1: this.set(5, !0); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_2: this.set(6, !0); break; case r.KEY_LEVEL_UP: this.emit("L"); break; case r.KEY_ABILITY: this.emit("A"); } if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) { if (r.canSkill) { let t = this.statMaxing ? 12 : 1; do { switch (e.keyCode) { case r.KEY_UPGRADE_ATK:"x", 0); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_HTL:"x", 1); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_SPD:"x", 2); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_STR:"x", 3); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_PEN:"x", 4); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_DAM:"x", 5); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_RLD:"x", 6); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_MOB:"x", 7); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_RGN:"x", 8); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_SHI:"x", 9); } } while (--t); } if (!e.repeat) { switch (e.keyCode) { case r.KEY_AUTO_SPIN:"t", 0); break; case r.KEY_AUTO_FIRE:"t", 1); break; case r.KEY_OVER_RIDE:"t", 2); break; case r.KEY_MAP_HACK:"t", 3); break; case r.KEY_RAINBOW:"r", 1); break; case r.KEY_REVERSE_TANK:"t", 4); break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_MAX: this.statMaxing = !0; break; case r.KEY_FUCK_YOU: (this.cheating = !0), this.emit("0"); break; case r.KEY_KILL_YOURSELF: this.emit("K"); break; case r.KEY_PING: r.showDebug = !0; break; case r.KEY_CLASS_TREE: r.showTree = !0; break; case r.KEY_RECORD: if ( && window.MediaRecorder) { if (!this.videoRecorder) { let e = []; (this.videoRecorder = new MediaRecorder( )), (this.videoRecorder.ondataavailable = t => e.push(, (this.videoRecorder.onstop = t => { let a = new Blob(e, { type: this.videoRecorder.mimeType }); e.length = 0; let r = URL.createObjectURL(a), i = document.createElement("a"); ( = "none"), i.setAttribute("download", "video.webm"), i.setAttribute("href", r), document.body.appendChild(i), setTimeout(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(r), document.body.removeChild(i); }, 100),; }), r.messages.push({ text: "Recorder initiated and started!", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }), this.videoRecorder.start(); break; } switch (this.videoRecorder.state) { case "inactive": r.messages.push({ text: "Recorder started!", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }), this.videoRecorder.start(); break; case "recording": r.messages.push({ text: "Recorder stopped! Saving file...", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }), this.videoRecorder.stop(); } } else r.messages.push({ text: "Media recorder not supported in this browser!", status: 2, alpha: 0, time: }); break; case r.KEY_SCREENSHOT: let e =, t = atob(e.split(",")[1]), a = e .split(",")[0] .split(":")[1] .split(";")[0], i = new Uint8Array(t.length); for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) i[e] = t.charCodeAt(e); let n = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([i], { type: a })), l = document.createElement("a"); ( = "none"), l.setAttribute("download", "screenshot.png"), l.setAttribute("href", n), document.body.appendChild(l), setTimeout(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(n), document.body.removeChild(l); }, 100),; } if (r.canUpgrade) switch (e.keyCode) { case r.KEY_CHOOSE_1:"U", 0); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_2:"U", 1); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_3:"U", 2); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_4:"U", 3); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_5:"U", 4); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_6:"U", 5); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_7:"U", 6); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_8:"U", 7); break; case r.KEY_CHOOSE_9:"U", 8); } } } } } keyboardUp(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case r.KEY_UP_ARROW: case r.KEY_UP: this.set(0, !1); break; case r.KEY_DOWN_ARROW: case r.KEY_DOWN: this.set(1, !1); break; case r.KEY_LEFT_ARROW: case r.KEY_LEFT: this.set(2, !1); break; case r.KEY_RIGHT_ARROW: case r.KEY_RIGHT: this.set(3, !1); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_0: this.set(4, !1); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_1: this.set(5, !1); break; case r.KEY_MOUSE_2: this.set(6, !1); break; case r.KEY_FUCK_YOU: this.cheating = !1; break; case r.KEY_UPGRADE_MAX: this.statMaxing = !1; break; case r.KEY_PING: r.showDebug = !1; break; case r.KEY_CLASS_TREE: r.showTree = !1; } this.cheating &&"0", -e.keyCode); } mouseDown(e) { switch (e.button) { case 0: let t = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }, a = r.clickables.stat.check(t); if (-1 !== a)"x", a); else if (-1 !== r.clickables.skipUpgrades.check(t)) r.clearUpgrades(); else { let e = r.clickables.upgrade.check(t); -1 !== e ?"U", e) : this.set(4, !0); } break; case 1: this.set(5, !0); break; case 2: this.set(6, !0); } } mouseMove(e) { if (null !== r.player.x) { let t = e.clientX - r.player.x, a = e.clientY - r.player.y; this.setPosition(t, a); } r.statHover = 0 === r.clickables.hover.check({ x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }); } mouseUp(e) { switch (e.button) { case 0: this.set(4, !1); break; case 1: this.set(5, !1); break; case 2: this.set(6, !1); } } touchStart(e) { if ((e.preventDefault(), r.died && r.respawnOn <= this.spawn(); else { for (let t of e.changedTouches) { let e = { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY }, a = t.identifier, i = r.clickables.stat.check(e); if (-1 !== i)"x", i); else if (-1 !== r.clickables.skipUpgrades.check(e)) r.clearUpgrades(); else { let t = r.clickables.upgrade.check(e); if (-1 !== t)"U", t); else { let t = e.x < / 2; null === this.movementTouch && t ? (this.movementTouch = a) : null !== this.controlTouch || t || ((this.controlTouch = a), this.set(4, !0)); } } } this.touchMove(e); } } touchMove(e) { e.preventDefault(); for (let t of e.changedTouches) { let e = { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY }, a = t.identifier; if (this.movementTouch === a) { let t = e.x - (1 * / 6, a = e.y - (2 * / 3, r = Math.sqrt(t * t + a * a); (t /= r), (a /= r); let i = 0.3826834323650898; a < -i !== this.movementTop && this.set(0, (this.movementTop = a < -i)), a > i !== this.movementBottom && this.set(1, (this.movementBottom = a > i)), t < -i !== this.movementLeft && this.set(2, (this.movementLeft = t < -i)), t > i !== this.movementRight && this.set(3, (this.movementRight = t > i)); } else if (this.controlTouch === a) { let t = 4 * (e.x - (5 * / 6), a = 4 * (e.y - (2 * / 3); this.setPosition(t, a); } } } touchEnd(e) { e.preventDefault(); for (let t of e.changedTouches) { t.clientX, t.clientY; let e = t.identifier; this.movementTouch === e ? ((this.movementTouch = null), this.movementTop && this.set(0, (this.movementTop = !1)), this.movementBottom && this.set(1, (this.movementBottom = !1)), this.movementLeft && this.set(2, (this.movementLeft = !1)), this.movementRight && this.set(3, (this.movementRight = !1))) : this.controlTouch === e && ((this.controlTouch = null), this.set(4, !1)); } } }; }, function(e, t, a) { "use strict"; let r = new Uint32Array(1), i = new Uint8Array(r.buffer), n = new Float32Array(r.buffer), l = new Uint16Array(1), o = new Uint8Array(l.buffer); (t.encode = e => { let t = [], a = [], s = 0, d = 15, c = 0; for (let r of e) { let i = 0; if (0 === r || !1 === r) i = 0; else if (1 === r || !0 === r) i = 1; else if ("number" == typeof r) !Number.isInteger(r) || r < -4294967296 || r >= 4294967296 ? ((i = 8), (s += 4)) : r >= 0 ? r < 256 ? ((i = 2), s++) : r < 65536 ? ((i = 4), (s += 2)) : r < 4294967296 && ((i = 6), (s += 4)) : r >= -256 ? ((i = 3), s++) : r >= -65536 ? ((i = 5), (s += 2)) : r >= -4294967296 && ((i = 7), (s += 4)); else { if ("string" != typeof r) throw (console.error("Unencodable data type", e), new Error("Unencodable data type")); { let e = !1; for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t++) if (r.charAt(t) > "รฟ") e = !0; else if ("\0" === r.charAt(t)) throw (console.error("Null containing string", r), new Error("Null containing string")); !e && r.length <= 1 ? ((i = 9), s++) : e ? ((i = 11), (s += 2 * r.length + 2)) : ((i = 10), (s += r.length + 1)); } } if ((t.push(i), i === d)) c++; else { if ((a.push(d), c >= 1)) { for (; c > 19; ) a.push(14), a.push(15), (c -= 19); 1 === c ? a.push(d) : 2 === c ? a.push(12) : 3 === c ? a.push(13) : c < 20 && (a.push(14), a.push(c - 4)); } (c = 0), (d = i); } } if ((a.push(d), c >= 1)) { for (; c > 19; ) a.push(14), a.push(15), (c -= 19); 1 === c ? a.push(d) : 2 === c ? a.push(12) : 3 === c ? a.push(13) : c < 20 && (a.push(14), a.push(c - 4)); } a.push(15), a.length % 2 == 1 && a.push(15); let h = new Uint8Array((a.length >> 1) + s); for (let e = 0; e < a.length; e += 2) { let t = a[e], r = a[e + 1]; h[e >> 1] = (t << 4) | r; } let u = a.length >> 1; for (let a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { let s = e[a]; switch (t[a]) { case 0: case 1: break; case 2: case 3: h[u++] = s; break; case 4: case 5: (l[0] = s), h.set(o, u), (u += 2); break; case 6: case 7: (r[0] = s), h.set(i, u), (u += 4); break; case 8: (n[0] = s), h.set(i, u), (u += 4); break; case 9: { let e = 0 === s.length ? 0 : s.charCodeAt(0); h[u++] = e; } break; case 10: for (let e = 0; e < s.length; e++) h[u++] = s.charCodeAt(e); h[u++] = 0; break; case 11: for (let e = 0; e < s.length; e++) { let t = s.charCodeAt(e); (h[u++] = 255 & t), (h[u++] = t >> 8); } (h[u++] = 0), (h[u++] = 0); } } return h; }), (t.decode = e => { let t = new Uint8Array(e); if (t[0] >> 4 != 15) return null; let a = [], s = 15, d = 0, c = !0; for (;;) { if (d >= t.length) return null; let e = t[d]; if ((c ? ((e &= 15), d++) : (e >>= 4), (c = !c), 12 == (12 & e))) { if (15 === e) { c && d++; break; } let r = e - 10; if (14 === e) { if (d >= t.length) return null; let e = t[d]; c ? ((e &= 15), d++) : (e >>= 4), (c = !c), (r += e); } for (let e = 0; e < r; e++) a.push(s); } else a.push(e), (s = e); } let h = []; for (let e of a) switch (e) { case 0: h.push(0); break; case 1: h.push(1); break; case 2: h.push(t[d++]); break; case 3: h.push(t[d++] - 256); break; case 4: (o[0] = t[d++]), (o[1] = t[d++]), h.push(l[0]); break; case 5: (o[0] = t[d++]), (o[1] = t[d++]), h.push(l[0] - 65536); break; case 6: (i[0] = t[d++]), (i[1] = t[d++]), (i[2] = t[d++]), (i[3] = t[d++]), h.push(r[0]); break; case 7: (i[0] = t[d++]), (i[1] = t[d++]), (i[2] = t[d++]), (i[3] = t[d++]), h.push(r[0] - 4294967296); break; case 8: (i[0] = t[d++]), (i[1] = t[d++]), (i[2] = t[d++]), (i[3] = t[d++]), h.push(Number.isNaN(n[0]) ? -1 : n[0]); break; case 9: { let e = t[d++]; h.push(0 === e ? "" : String.fromCharCode(e)); } break; case 10: { let e = "", a = 0; for (; (a = t[d++]); ) e += String.fromCharCode(a); h.push(e); } break; case 11: { let e = "", a = 0; for (; (a = t[d++] | (t[d++] << 8)); ) e += String.fromCharCode(a); h.push(e); } } return h; }); }, function(e) { e.exports = JSON.parse('"{ "normal":{ "teal":"#7ADBBC", "lgreen":"#B9E87E", "orange":"#E7896D", "yellow":"#FDF380", "lavender":"#B58EFD", "pink":"#EF99C3", "vlgrey":"#E8EBF7", "lgrey":"#AA9F9E", "guiwhite":"#FFFFFF", "black":"#484848", "blue":"#3CA4CB", "green":"#8ABC3F", "red":"#E03E41", "gold":"#EFC74B", "purple":"#8D6ADF", "magenta":"#CC669C", "grey":"#A7A7AF", "dgrey":"#726F6F", "white":"#DBDBDB", "guiblack":"#000000", "paletteSize":10, "border":0.65 }, "classic":{ "teal":"#8EFFFB", "lgreen":"#85E37D", "orange":"#FC7676", "yellow":"#FFEB8E", "lavender":"#B58EFF", "pink":"#F177DD", "vlgrey":"#CDCDCD", "lgrey":"#999999", "guiwhite":"#FFFFFF", "black":"#525252", "blue":"#00B0E1", "green":"#00E06C", 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